Chapter 29

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"No. We are no longer friends Rosette, I work for your grandfather and that's all to us from now on."

His words are heavy, they are spiteful and unforgivable. Is he being serious? Is this some twisted joke I didn't get the memo of? Whatever the case may be, his words hurt and truly do some damage.

The door beside me opens, however, I ignore this and look at Joey. I feel the tears burning my eyes as they threaten to spill. Say it, say it you bastard. Tell me you were just angry and didn't mean it.

He doesn't say anything, he just glares at me. Oh, so that's what it's gonna be? After everything I gave and done, he's gonna toss our years away like it meant nothing? The anger, the rage I feel is now front and center. Cory crawls in front of me and moves over to sit beside me. Joey gives me a shrug and looks back at Max

"You are disloyal, the nerve of you to say something so disgusting to me." I say, Joey's eyes snap back onto me. That's right, look at me you fucking trader.

"Disloyal? I'm disloyal? Fuck off Rosette, I'm not even close to that fucking word. I've done everything and anything you've asked me to. I even got myself in a fucking situation tonight because you wanted to fucking party. Now look at us, does it look like you had any fun? You are so fucking selfish!" He yells and I can't believe he is making our friendship seem one sided.

"I did a lot for you as well. You promised we would be each other's reason! You fucking promised!" I yell as I point a finger at him, I feel like grabbing something and throwing it out.

"That's what the friendship is built on Rosette. Everything I do that I don't want to, is done because I feel like I owe you. Friendship shouldn't feel like a debt to be paid off." He says more calmly but his calm words are the ones that slice me the deepest.

He compares our friendship as a debt to be paid. He does things he doesn't want to because of it? When? How? Is he talking about tonight? I didn't force him to go, he went. His words don't seem like his at all, someone is telling him to say this.

I pause for a moment and look around the limo. Jason sits across from me, tapping his phone, messaging someone of unimportance... For now. Cory is staring at the ground, more than likely paying attention to the whole argument. And then there is Max, he stares calmly at Joey.

"If they find out we went out to a club, they'll lock you away and Max will beat my ass."

Joey's words replay in mind. I should have known. Max must have beat Joey into saying this, there's no way Joey is willingly saying this. Right? I ball up my fist and turn my entire body towards Max.

"Why are you forcing him to say these things? Are you beating him into submission? What gives you the fucking right to lay a finger on my best friend? Stay out of our friendship Max, you don't even know us enough to draw up conclusions!" I snap but Max doesn't say anything, he doesn't look my way either.

"Max is not forcing me to say anything. I'm just tired of being the one who loses in this friendship. Just think about the sacrifices I made and the risks I too-." I let out a giggle. The need to laugh to keep from crying fills all of my senses.

Sacrifices? Risks? Wow, have I been blind? I thought he loved me, cared about me, cherished me, and respected me. I thought we were each other's reasons. Sacrifices, what did he sacrifice? Risks, what risks?

"You are just a dog being bitched around by your newfound owner. What have you sacrificed? I gave you everything because I wanted you to be happy. I took risks that night when I took you in. I didn't care if you would have strangled me to death, I was ready to be your reason. I never once asked you for anything but friendship, loyalty, and love!" I shout and the car goes quiet for a second.

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