Joshua | Car Accident Part I

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Hello candy_244! Here is your request, I hope you'll like it!

The morning sun filtered through the curtains of the dorm, casting warm golden light across the living room. Joshua stood in the kitchen, a whisk in hand, as he prepared to make pancakes. Jeonghan was busy rummaging through the fridge, pulling out eggs and a carton of milk.

"Are you sure we have enough flour?" Joshua asked, glancing over his shoulder.

"Definitely! I stocked up last week," Jeonghan replied, smiling. "Today's going to be a great day. Nothing like a hearty breakfast before a music video shoot!"

Joshua nodded, his excitement bubbling over. "Yeah! We need all the energy we can get. I can already picture the choreography."

Jeonghan chuckled as he cracked the eggs into a bowl. "Just make sure you don't get too distracted by your own moves while cooking. We don't want pancakes that look like they've been through a dance battle!"

They shared a laugh, the sound echoing pleasantly in the kitchen. As Joshua poured batter onto the hot skillet, the aroma of pancakes began to fill the air.

"Okay, let's wake everyone up," Jeonghan said, wiping his hands on a dish towel. "Who should we start with?"

"How about Dino? He's usually the hardest to wake up," Joshua suggested, grinning.

Jeonghan nodded. "Alright, let's go!"

They tiptoed down the hall and peeked into Dino's room, where he lay sprawled across his bed, blanket half-off. Jeonghan nudged Joshua. "You do the honors."

Joshua leaned in, gently shaking Dino's shoulder. "Hey, sleepyhead, time to rise and shine! We've got pancakes waiting."

Dino groaned, pulling the blanket over his head. "Just five more minutes..."

"Five minutes? We need you for breakfast! You can't miss out on my legendary pancakes!" Joshua exclaimed, feigning indignation.

Jeonghan laughed and added, "Plus, we have a whole day of filming ahead. You need your strength, little maknae!"

Finally, Dino emerged, squinting at them. "Fine, I'm up! But only if you promise there are chocolate chips in those pancakes."

"Of course! What kind of breakfast would it be without them?" Joshua replied.

As they made their way to the next room, Jeonghan spotted Seungkwan peeking out from his own blanket fortress. "You're next, Seungkwan!"

"What's the special occasion? Did someone say breakfast?" Seungkwan mumbled, his voice muffled.

"We're about to serve up the best pancakes you've ever had!" Jeonghan announced.

Seungkwan's eyes widened, and he shot up in bed. "I'm in! Just give me a minute to brush my hair."

Joshua and Jeonghan exchanged amused glances as they moved on to wake the others. Soon, they were rounding up the members one by one—Woozi, The8, and Hoshi, all groggy but quickly drawn to the promise of breakfast.

Once everyone gathered around the table, plates piled high with fluffy pancakes, the room buzzed with chatter and laughter.

"This is amazing, you guys! Seriously, how do you always make breakfast so good?" Hoshi exclaimed, taking a big bite.

"Magic and a pinch of love," Jeonghan said playfully, winking at Joshua.

"More like a whole lot of effort from Joshua," Woozi chimed in, giving Joshua a teasing nudge.

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