Minghao | Stomach Bug

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It was a long day for Minghao. After hours of rehearsals, he found himself exhausted, both physically and mentally. As he sat on the floor of their shared dorm, he felt his energy fade. His surroundings began to blur, and before he knew it, he slipped into a vulnerable headspace of a two-year-old.

Mingyu, noticing the shift in Minghao, quickly made his way over. He knelt beside him, concern etching his features. "Hey, Minghao," he said softly, brushing a strand of hair away from Minghao's forehead. "You okay?"

Minghao looked up at Mingyu with wide, innocent eyes, thumb instinctively finding its way to his mouth. "Hyungie," he mumbled, the word coming out as a gentle whimper.

Mingyu's heart melted. "Yeah, it's me, hyungie. What's wrong, little one?" He wrapped an arm around Minghao, pulling him close.

"Sleepy," Minghao admitted, his voice small and shaky. "Wanna cuddle."

Mingyu smiled, wrapping both arms around him. "Okay, we can cuddle. You just need to rest, right?"

As Minghao settled against Mingyu, he thumb-sucked harder, feeling the warmth and comfort of his hyungie. "I don't wanna be a big boy right now," he murmured, his words slurred with exhaustion.

"You don't have to be," Mingyu replied, stroking Joshua's back gently. "It's okay to feel tired. Just let yourself relax. I'm here for you."

Minghao looked up again, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Hyungie, don't leave me, okay?"

"I won't go anywhere, I promise," Mingyu reassured him. "I'll stay right here, always."

"Okay," Minghao said softly, burying his face into Mingyu's shoulder. "You're the best. I love you, hyungie."

Mingyu chuckled lightly, holding Joshua tighter. "I love you too, little one. Always."

As the minutes passed, Mingyu continued to rock him gently. The dorm was quiet, filled only with the sound of Minghao's soft breathing as he slowly drifted off. Mingyu watched over him, heart full, grateful for this rare moment of vulnerability and trust.

"Sweet dreams, Hao," Mingyu whispered, pressing a gentle kiss on his forehead. In that serene moment, he realized how much he cherished their bond, regardless of the chaos outside.

Mingyu woke up to the sound of soft sobs beside him. He turned to see Minghao, still in his little space, looking pale and shivering. Concern washed over him as he quickly sat up, his heart racing.

"Hey, little one," Mingyu said softly, gently brushing his hand over Minghao's forehead. "What's wrong?"

Minghao's eyes were watery, and he clung to the blanket as if it could offer him comfort. "Hyungie, I feel icky," he whimpered, his voice shaky and small.

Mingyu immediately wrapped his arms around Minghao, pulling him close. "Oh, baby, it's okay. Let's get you warm." He could feel Minghao's body trembling against him. "Are you cold? Should I grab a blanket?"

Minghao nodded weakly, his thumb finding its way back to his mouth. "Wanna be warm... and snuggle."

"Of course," Mingyu said, quickly retrieving another blanket from the foot of the bed and wrapping it around them both. "There we go. Better?"

"A little," Minghao replied, his voice still strained. "Hyungie, don't leave me, okay?"

"I won't, I promise," Mingyu whispered, his heart aching at the sight of his dongsaeng in distress. "You just need to rest. I'll be right here."

Minghao sniffled, leaning against Mingyu's shoulder. "I don't like being sick," he murmured, eyes fluttering closed.

"I know, but you're not alone. I'll take care of you," Mingyu reassured him, rubbing soothing circles on Minghao's back. "Just focus on feeling better, okay?"

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