Chapter Six

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“Why? What’d I do?”

“You got us stuck here!” I looked to Isshin apologetically, who looked sad. I put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Look, Babs,” I said. “We’ve got nowhere else to go. So if you don’t wanna be here so bad, then fine. Leave and live somewhere else, please, be my guest.” The room got quiet, but I shrugged it off. “Isshin, I’ll be right back.” He nodded swiftly and I headed out of the room and outside into the streets of Karakura Town.

I started walking around aimlessly, before I ended up at Keigo’s house. I smiled. Well, I guess I could pay a friendly visit, for just a minute. I knocked on the door, and Keigo’s sister opened. She looked angry and annoyed. “What do you want?”

“Um…is Keigo here?” I said timidly. She really freaked me out. She had some serious issues.

She huffed before turning towards the inside. “KEIGO!!!” she screamed. “THERE’S SOME GIRL HERE WHO WANTS TO SEE YOU, LORD KNOWS WHY!!!” I smiled. She had a point.

I saw Keigo rushing down the stairs, most likely hoping for some hot chick who had a crush on him or something. But his shoulders shrugged when he saw it was just me. I smiled and waved to him. He motioned to his sister that she could leave, and she huffed again before heading inside again. I grinned to myself; she was so strange….

Keigo leaned against the doorframe. “Hey.”


“So what’s got you in this neck of the woods?”

“Uh…we’re in the city, but I just wanted to say thanks. For helping me and my friends.”

“Oh, yeah,” he said, scratching the back of his head. “How are they?”

“They’re awake, and well, but Isshin’s making them stay in bed until tomorrow, just to make sure. Hey, and he volunteered you guys to help brief us with school, since we’ll be going to your school starting Monday, in ya’ll’s grade. So is that okay with you? I haven’t asked Carrot yet, but I wanted to let you know.”

He grinned. “Carrot? I like that name. Suits him. And yeah, I’m not getting the best grades, but hey, I can brief you guys. Who knows, maybe you’ll teach me something.”

I smiled. “Thanks, Keigo; I really appreciate it.” I thanked him again and we said our goodbyes…we decided that Keigo could come over tomorrow around lunchtime to help us. I’d just tell Isshin; I was sure he wouldn’t mind. Now for the impossible task of convincing Kurosaki to help us…this would take a while.

I headed back to the Clinic and, as I opened the door, a soccer ball went whizzing by my head. I swiftly ducked and looked to see where the ball had came from. Karin ran towards me, giving an apologetic smile. “Sorry, Ichigo’s got really bad aim.”

I smiled. So it was Kurosaki, huh? I’m gonna end up either going insane or killing him; hopefully the latter. “Oh, it’s okay, I didn’t even get hurt!” I let her by to retrieve the ball and headed in to check on my friends.

I came in and Tara and Kurosaki were in a heated argument. But they didn’t look angry; they were just discussing their opinions, it looked like. I decided to leave them alone; let them bond. Babs was looking a lot happier with her iPod plugged in her ears. I sat down beside her bed and patted her arm. She pulled out her headphones, just noticing me.

“M.C.R., huh?” I laughed. She always got this funny look whenever she listened to them.

She smiled sheepishly. “Yeah,” she said before plugging herself back into the music and shutting her eyes, probably about to drift off into sleep.

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