Chapter Twenty-Seven

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  • Dedicated to Tite Kubo...don't copyright me for the picture!!!

“Ichigo!!” Rukia yelled, obviously not noticing him before running towards us like I did.

“Look at you!” he said, his foot still crushing the beast below him, “you’re a bloody mess!! You said you wouldn’t take unnecessary risks!!”

“Oh, shut up!” I said, my forehead gaining some wrinkles, half from stress, half from anger. “She had to say that! Anyway, her risks were necessary!”

“Heh…” he scoffed, smirking to himself. “Okay…”

“Hey!? You gonna stand on my head all day?” the creepy voice brought me back and reminded me that we were in the middle of a battle. 

In response to the bull-headed Hollow, Ichigo swiftly jumped off his head and faced his back to him in an attempt to look cool. “I’m Ichigo Kurosaki,” he said smugly. “Substitute Shinigami! If you wanna play tag…then I’m ‘it.’”

“YOU!!!" the Hollow yelled angrily. “Subsitute Soul Reaper!? Hm…well, your soul DOES smell awfully good!” He reflected a bit. “Crap…I screwed up. When you two split up, I shoulda gone AFTER YOU!!”

“Ichigo!!” Rukia called, hitting him roughly in the chest with her red glove--I don’t remember it’s official name--knocking his soul out of his physical body and transforming him into a Shinigami. 

The Hollow quickly responded, shooting a horde of leech-bombs at us. Ichigo grabbed Rukia and I, jumping out of the way. Once we were a good ten feet away, he released us and headed back towards the enemy. 

They danced for a while, until the Hollow finally lunged. Ichigo easily avoided and attacked. 

“Too slow,” he whispered, slicing a shallow cut in the enemy’s side. 

“Heh heh…so you’re…a REAL Shinigami!!”

Strawberry soundly ignored him, hitting the ground roughly. Keeping his eyes on the Hollow, he spoke to Rukia and I. “On my way here, I saw those little things on Chad’s birdcage. I figured they were his,” he said sternly, referring to the enemy before him. “So I got rid of them.”

I smirked. “You better be careful, Carrot. Those things are bombs set off by that guy’s tongue. That’s why Chad and Yûichi weren’t moving.”

Ichigo grunted angrily. “Punk…” he said, obviously pissed. “You made Karin cry. You terrorized my friends. You attacked a defenseless woman.” 

I groaned a bit. Rukia and I AREN’T defenseless, you douche.

Ichigo continued. “You’re a four-star wanker.” (A/N: I asked my dad about this. “Wanker” means “dick.” Literally. So yeah…vote ‘cuz I had an awkward conversation with my dad?)

“Thanks,” the Hollow said sarcastically. “Now this wanker is going to eat you.” (A/N: Yeah, this sounds SUPER wrong….) He shot out a plethora of leeches that Ichigo swiftly destroyed. 

“Good idea!” the Hollow played. “If they spit out leech-bombs, kill them before they can spit, right?” He laughed. “But you overlooked something! The leeches that spill from their guts ARE STILL BOMBS!!”

Suddenly little explosions surrounded our hero, leading to one HUGE explosion. The Hollow laughed in victory he thought he earned. 

He thought wrong. 

Ichigo swiftly leaped out of the smoke and before one could blink, had his sword pressed to the Hollow’s neck. “There’s one thing I want to ask you.” He looked the Hollow straight in the eye. “The parents of the boy in the parakeet…did you kill them!?”

“I did.” he said plainly, as if he was saying he bought them ice cream. “I killed that brat’s mommy! About five years ago, when I was still alive!”

Jesus, I thought. Cue flashback.

“They called me a serial killer.” he started. “I traveled around, hunting. Killed eight people. They even talked about me on TV! I was famous, a real celebrity! That kid’s mother was my final score!”

Ichigo’s eyes widened in shock, and my stomach turned. 

“She was sweet. I stabbed her a dozen times, and she STILL ran away bleeding. Trying to protect the kid. What a sight!! It was BEAUTIFUL!! I get chills remembering it!”

“SICKO!” Ichigo scowled. 

“Then it all turned sour. I chased her onto the balcony and finished her. But the brat grabbed my shoelaces! I lost my balance…” he reminisced his death. “Man, did that suck! Really spoiled the moment for me! And to top it off, instead of me killing the kid, the kid killed me!! So I decided he should suffer!! I sucked out his soul and stuck it in the parakeet. Then I made a deal with him!” He held up three fingers. “Run from me for three months! If he did it, I’d bring Mommy back to life!”

“That’s not even possible!” I yelled, drawing attention to myself. 

“Of course not, you moron! I just told the little chump that so he’d play! It worked like a charm, too!! AND I get the added pleasure of slaughtering everybody who tries to help him! They die and the kid squeals! ‘Don’t kill them! Blah, blah, blah….’ Then I remind him: MOMMY’S COUNTING ON YOU TO SAVE HER!! What a laugh!! But then he’s ready to go again! Got to save Mommy.”

Ichigo’s grip on his zanpaku-to shifted a nonillionth of a millimeter, but that was just enough to give the sicko an opening. 

He grabbed the sword. “Pay attention, Soul Reaper! Your defense is pitiful!” With that he slung Ichigo away from him along with an army of minis that coated the ginger. 

“Okay!! They’re on you!! You’re deader than ectoplasm!!” He stuck his tongue out to set off his bombs, but before he could do anything, Ichigo was crushing his teeth and reaching in his mouth. 

“What the….”

Ichigo smirked scarily. “Here…you can have your friends back!!” The Hollow gave no reply, unable to really do anything. 

“Aren’t you gonna detonate them with your tongue!? Go on, give us a whistle!”

The Hollow shook in fear: he couldn’t do anything, because if he blew up his minions on Ichigo, he’d be hurt too.

Ichigo’s grin widened. “Well, if you won’t use it…then that tongue is MINE!!” (A/N: the innuendos make themselves....) And with that Ichigo jumped from the Hollow, knocking the minis off and taking the Hollow’s tongue with him. 

“You thon of a…you ripped out my thonge!!”


Tee hee hee~!!~ (hi....)

So, new CHAP! YAY!!! *no one else cheers*

Maycee: *cries alone in her otaku corner*


What's up?

I've noticed that I put Chad in a lot of my chapters, even though I really hate him...he's just annoying. Do you guys like Chad? Should I continue to inlcude him??


All these questions and more, answered NEXT WEEK! IN THE NEXT INSTALLMENT OF...



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