Chapter Forty-Six

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I decided to further explore so I went into the kitchen. I opened the door to the fridge and found a fresh gallon of two-percent. Smiling, I went through the cabinets until I found a glass and poured myself a relaxing glass of milk. I placed the jug back into the fridge and walked back to the living room where Chinohana was sitting on the couch. I walked around him and went to sit, perching on the opposite side of the couch.

He glared at me. "What, no milk for me?"

I smirked, taking a smug and greatful sip. "There's the kitchen. Get off you ass and get it." I turned my head but felt my disdainful glare being reciprocated.He sighed and got up to get his own milk. I took another swig and waited for him to return.

Once back, he drank some of his mostly finished milk. "Anyway, you came here for what again?"

I looked at him in amazement. Was he serious? I thought. Why the hell else would I be here? But I kept my mouth shut and cleared my throat. "I wanted to learn more about you so I could enhance my powers. Ya know, see if there's anything special we're capable of."

He leaned back, smiling. He looked to the ceiling. "Hm...special? I don't really know about that. But, let me ask you something." He paused for a moment before those golden eyes returned back to me. "If you had to choose between the two, would you pick a marigold flower, or a larkspur?"

My eyes widened. What relevance did that have? And why such lesser-known flowers? I thought for a second before answering. "Hm...probably larkspur."

He smiled. "Correct."

I frowned. "What was with that question?"

"I was simply testing your resolve, your general personality. You see, the marigold symbolized intense greed, while larkspur represents beautiful spirit. So I was curious which one your soul would lead you to pick."

I shrugged. "Well, I guess that means I'm beautiful, in and out."

He snorted. "Save that ego."

"Must've gotten it from you, you've got a pretty inflated head, too."

He frowned. "No, I'm just truly that great. You shoulda seen me before I was your zanpaku-to, women were all over me, it was great."

I gulped down the rest of my milk. "Well, I'm sorry for making you leave your freaky harem, but now your job is to help me be strong. We're gonna be a team for a long time, so we might as well get used to it."

He sighed in defeat. "That's true, unfortunately." He grinned.

I mocked hurt and popped him on the head. "You're lucky to be in my brain! You could've gotten stuck with stupid Strawberry!"

His eyes flashed in recognition. "Ah, yes. Ichigo Kurosaki. I am happy I didn't end up with him, although I do feel bad for Zangetsu, that old geezer."

I laughed. "Yeah, I think Ichigo's head would be a scary place to be."

He nodded. "But back to you. At this early stage there isn't much I can help you with here in your mind, but I'll try to help you along when you begin training in the physical world. I'll see what I can tell you, because if I told you to do a special command when you didn't have enough power or strength, I might just end up killing you."

I cringed. "I don't really think I like the idea of my life resting in your hands."

He smirked. "I admit, I wouldn't enjoy the notion either. But if this helps comfort you, if you die, I die. Well, unless you die of old age. But once you're a Shinigami, that doesn't happen, so no worries. You just have to....not die."

I glared. "You make that sound so easy."

His face went completely serious. "If you're not weak, it should be easy. Life is a simple equation: be strong=don't die."

I started. "I wish it was that easy."

"In the world of zanpaku-to and Shinigami, it is. To survive, you must be strong. Be weak and you will die."

I stuck a thumb up. "Got it. So you said there's nothing I can really do yet?"

He nodded his head. "Unfortunately. But I feel that you will be able to attain a new level of power, and quite soon. So good luck, Adelhelm."

I smirked. "When am I gonna get you to call me 'Adel?'"

He sent a simiar smirk my way. "Never."

I sighed. "Okay." I got off the couch and walked to the kitchen, putting my glass into the sink. "I guess I'll be hearing you around, Chinohana."

He sent a wave my way, although did not look at me. "Goodbye."

I nodded and came back into the physical world, struggling but slowly succeeding. When I came back Tessai was talking to Babs and Tara, I quickly got up, retrieved my sword and ran over to them. "What's up?" I asked.

"Oh, Adel," Tessai said, acknowledging my presence, "you're back. Good. I'm happy you figured out how to get out of your spirit's inhabitance, otherwise we would've had a big problem. I was just talking to Tara-chan and Babs about the next stage of training. Although it won't be right now, I'd like you to take a look at something." He motioned to the huge chasm a few meters away. "Ichigo is down there right now, fighting for his life."

All of our eyes widened. Tara's head snapped to the trench. "What? What's going on? Who's he fighting?"

Tessai frowned. "That's the unique part. He's fighting himself."


Okay! Hi! Sorry for the super short chapter, but I've been busy lately!! Really busy! Next week might be another OC rambling (so I can stall, unfortunately) or it'll be super short! Sorry but it's better than having a huge update then having no updates for a month!!!

And....that's about it! Warning here! During the end of April and into May there might be no posts...that's when my group's Ragtime performance is and the very next week is my chorus' Variety Show. So Imma be loaded with work. Sorry. But I'll do my best!



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