Chapter Twenty-Four

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  • Dedicated to Ellen Hopkins

“ICHIGO!!” Rukia cried, causing him to halt suddenly. “You’d better take her home! We’ll keep after them!”

“What?” he said, flabbergasted. (A/N: I love that word.) “I can’t just leave you!”

“DO AS I SAY!” she roared, obviously extrememly serious. “If we leave her here…you’ll be worrying about her when you fight the Hollow! You’ll get us all eaten!!”

Ichigo continued to stare, until he looked shamefully to the side, silently admitting she was right.

I smiled; he was a brother way before a Shinigami. “Take her home and come back!” I screeched. “Hurry!”

“Rukia…” Ichigo said dazedly. “Adel…” he resumed his serious expression, facing away from us and picking up his collapsed sister. “You…don’t have the strength to fight a Hollow by yourself.”

I scoffed. I almost said what-the-hell-ever, Kurosaki, but something in his tone ordered me to stay mute. 

“Please…” he continued. “Don’t take any chances!”

Rukia looked dumbstruck, and I just looked proud at his protective gusto. But she smiled. 

“Don’t be stupid,” she smiled, looking back at him. “A veteran Soul Reaper never takes unnecessary risks.” There was a pause. “Now go!!” 

On that signal we all rushed towards our goals, splitting up: me with Rukia, and Ichigo heading home with Karin. 

We quickly caught up with Chad, lingering only a few meters behind him. I was getting tired, and I could tell Rukia was getting frustrated at how exhausted her Gigai was. She looked to be out of breath, when suddenly:

“MMM! You smell GOOD!”

I quickly recognized the disgusting voice and turned. 

The Hollow. 

“You smell…like lunch!” he said, licking his lips at Rukia. “Time to eat…YOUR SOUL!!!” He grabbed Rukia suddenly and slung her against the ground, making her impact with a fwump. But she quickly regained her composure and got to one knee. 

“Hmm…still alive? You’re tougher than you look.” The Hollow looked extremely troubled at this. “And you can see me. What are you…little girl?”

Rukia ignored him, and quickly, before he had time to react, jumped and harshly kneed him in the chin. She flipped up to do a handstand on the top of his mask. She began the mantra she had repeated probably thousands of times.

“Ruler…” she began, “the mask of blood and flesh, all things of the universe fly, that which names all!” She released her hold on his head and stood on his back, bending at the knee and bracing her arms. “Truth and temperance…slight claw at the dream wall which brooks no sin!!” She stuck one hand towards the Hollow’s head, keeping her thumb pointed in. “Binding Spell Thirty-Three!” she yelled. “Sôkatsui--Pale Fire Crash!“ A brilliant white light exploded from her hand and coated the Hollow’s skull.

She did it! I thought cheerfully. She has her powers back!

Or so I thought. 

The pale smoke covering the Hollow’s head slowly disappeared, revealing a horrible truth:

Rukia had done no damage whatsoever.

“What?” she cried, just as shocked as me.

He grinned evilly and shot at her. Rukia quickly dodged, but he still nicked her arm a bit. 

“Heh heh…” the Hollow said smugly. “I know that spell. It’s a Soul Reaper spell! So that’s what you are!?” He laughed. “But you’re WEAK! It had no bite!” He licked his lips joyously. “A tender little Soul Reaper…ohh, you smell delicious! This brings back memories…”

Crap, I thought. Here we go again, ANOTHER freaking flashback story.

“You see…” he started, “I’ve already eaten two Soul Reapers who tried to take the boy to the Soul Society. Mightly good eating, too!”

Oh, I thought pleasantly. That was it? AWESOME!!!

“The boy?” I said, making the Hollow turn towards me, as if just now acknowledging me. “You mean Yûichi?”


“Why do you pursue him so relentlessly? Why?”

“Good question…” he said, seeming to get an idea in his head. “Maybe I’ll tell you, if you let me have a nibble.”

I scowled. “Scum!” I landed a sharp kick strait on his head, making it dent a bit, but in the end, I wouldn’t be very effective against this guy, either.

He obviously didn’t appreciate my answer, according to his response. He grabbed me by the neck and slammed me against the brick wall behind us.

Crap, I thought. Bad move. I could feel blood starting to trickle down my face, and into my mouth, creating a thickly-textured, metallic taste. My vision blurred, then darkened as I lost conciousness. But before I could pass out, I was quickly released and dropped to the ground. 

The Hollow had been hit.

By Chad?

“Yeah…” the tall, Mexican boy said. “Got ‘im! I think.” Chad continued to punch through the air, hoping for a lucky shot, to no avail, making it obvious that he couldn’t actually see the Hollow. 

“Heh heh…” the Hollow said, recovering from the blow. “Scared me for a second there. But it was just a lucky shot. He can’t see squat.” But before he could blink, Chad hit him again, head-on.

“Yeah…” Chad repeated. “Got ‘im again!”

“Grrr!” the Hollow moaned. “You’re dead!” He suddenly sprouted wings and soared into the air, much to all of our surprise. 

“Uh oh…” Rukia whispered. 


HEY-OH! (eesay da-a-a-ay-oh)

Sorry for the shorter chapter!! I haven't had much time to write, and next week might be the same (monday-lit club dinner, tuesday chorus concert, wednsday drama club). So sorry for the next couple weeks!!! see...that's about it!! I think...

Anyway, see you guys later!!! Comment, vote, fan, whatever!!! Just show meh some support!!!


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