1~ Leaving the Island

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Hey guys! So, I decided to do a One Piece FanFic just cuz! I hope this turns out good.


(Author's note Arpil 2020: So, I've decided to read over and do a MAJOR edit for the story because the first bit made me cringe hard. I figured it would be better to go through the chapters once more and build upon my 2015 "OMG this is gonna be so fun!" state.)


1~Leaving the Island

Shit shit shit shit shit! I'm in for it now! Oh, why did I have to hit that stupid idiot?! Morgan's son! Of all people to hit on this Marine Base island. Well, he deserved it. He provoked me to hit him, saying I was a no good slut of a girl who will never make it in life due to my condition. So, I slugged him. Right in the nose. I think it broke, but I couldn't be too sure with all the blood pouring from his face.

The condition I speak of? I'm a Neko. No, I didn't eat the Devil's Fruit, I was born this way. It's so strange how things work. Yeah, I have the ears, tail, and claws, though I keep those filed down. I keep my ears tucked in a cap, and my tail curled up and hidden under my knee length skirt. 

Everyone on this island knows what I am and they won't let me leave the island, saying that I'll only cause problems and destroy the world or something. Idiots.

So, back to my current situation with punching Helmeppo in the face, I'm running for my life from the Marines he sent after me. Not a good way to spend my morning. They know all of my hiding places, so I have no where to go and no where to hide.

My parents abandoned me and left the island. They are the ones who started the rumor of me causing catastropic events if I leave. What a bunch of bull-

"Elmira Hojosen! Stop running and face your punishment for assaulting Helmeppo!" A Marine chasing me shouted. I snorted. As if. That little piece of shit deserved it. Now, where did I stick my katana blade? I know it's somewhere near the main square. Yes, I'm thinking about my katana and not the people chasing me. I'm already at least fifty yards ahead of them; I'm not worried.

I ducked into an alley way and hid in the shadows of boxes and crates. The Marines rushed past me in a display of swords and multiple gun sizes. The weapons clanked together as they ran, letting people know that they should get out of the way. Once they got a distance away from me, I slowly stood and backed up into a door. I twisted it open and walked in backwards, still on my guard.

"Well, look who got in trouble again." I stiffened as I closed the door at the sound of the voice. "Mira,"

I spun around. "Eep! Oh, it's just you." This "you" I'm refering to is a woman with an adorable child who run this small bar-like place. Ririka and her daughter, Rika, stared in my direction. At the counter are two boys. One has a straw hat and black hair. He's wearing ripped blue knee length shorts and a red vest. He's snarfing down food like there's no tomorrow. The kid next to him has pink hair and glasses. He's staring at the other guy in wonder as to how much food he can eat.

"What did you do this time?" Ririka asked.

"I kinda sorta not so accidentally punched Helmeppo in the nose and it might have broke." I explained in brief. She's the only one who actually knows what I'm going through. She's been like my guardian.

She sighed heavily. "Why did you punch him?"

I held up my hands in defense. "It wasn't entirely my fault! He called me a no good slut! I've never even had my first kiss yet!" The kid with the straw hat stopped eating, but I barely noticed him as I continued with my rant, tears running down my face. "He was going off on how I was never going to be a reliable woman and that I'll have my heart broken over and over because of my condition. He said I was never going to be the perfect woman because of who I am. It's not my fault I'm born like this!"

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