Prologue (Updated)

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December 10, 2020

Dear reader,


Please read this part before proceeding with the story to avoid any confusion with the story as you go along.

First, I started to update chapters in 2017 and it's still ongoing. I know it's been a few years but I'm doing it slowly to ensure you have a good reading experience. To be honest, I am having a hard time editing each chapter to fit the vision I have for this story. This is my baby, the very first story I finished. That's why I want this to be a good fanfiction.

Second, as I continue along with updating every chapter, you will notice changes and I am already informing you of big changes to the story. For example, I have been thinking about removing a character I made or adding an event to suit the flow of one chapter to another.

Also, before I forget, please avoid spoiling everyone in the comment section. This is for everyone's enjoyment especially at times like this with the pandemic. I hope to give some sort of comfort to everyone reading.

Thank you for reading. I love you all!

-Ly (@wantinghemmings)


Prologue *2020 Update*

"Adorable." Ginny Potter cooed at the bundle of pink sheets she was carrying in her arms. The little one just yawed and tried to open her eyes.

"You'll be carrying one again soon enough." Pansy Zabini pointed out gesturing to Ginny's swelling stomach.

"That's true." Ginny laughed. Despite house rivalries in the past, Slytherins and Gryffindors seem to get along these days.

"She's so beautiful, Hermione." Ginny gently rocked the baby as the mother was resting on the bed tired from labor.

"Thank you." Hermione smiled weakly.

Hermione watched Ginny and Pansy coo at her newborn daughter. Relief. That's what she felt. The baby girl is healthy. There were no complications whatsoever. It was a tough one but she managed although the fatigue was deeply felt.

"Don't try to sit up yet." Pansy rushed to her side when she saw her struggling to sit up. Pain coursed through Hermione's body when she tried to settle in a comfortable position.

"Don't overexert yourself," Ginny said worriedly seeing the pain in her eyes,

"I'm fine," Hermione assured her. "May I hold her?" She asked her friend.

Ginny was reluctant to hand her the baby. It was already an effort for her to sit up but she knew Hermione could never drop something so precious. Ginny slowly placed her goddaughter in the arms of the child's mother. Hermione cradled the little miracle and couldn't stop a smile from appearing on her paled face. She only held her in her arms for a minute but the feelings of love overflowed. Is it possible to fall in love so quickly? This little person is mine. My little girl. The little one yawned and slowly opened her eyes. Steel grey eyes. She gulped and tried to contain the tears. She had the same color as his eyes. It reminded Hermione of him. Those eyes belonged to him.

Happiness laced with sadness. The bittersweet feelings were enveloping her. The little person in her arms was her happiness. She was happy that her daughter was ready to take a journey but she was sad because he couldn't be beside the miracle that they made. He left her. No, he left them. His blood is also coursing inside the child. He left when they needed him the most. The ultimate betrayal has been sealed in their lives. That bastard.

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