Chapter 8 (Updated)

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*Chapter 8 (2017 Update)*

After the first lesson, he had with the 5th years he had been many things that bothered his mind.

Who was Alicia's father? Who was the lucky bloke who luck enough to have Hermione? And more importantly why is Alicia using her mother's maiden name?

Draco sitting in front of the mahogany desk grading papers when he heard a soft knock on the door. He looked up and saw the Herbology Professor entering his classroom.

"I hope I am not intruding?"

"Of course not." Draco stood up and gestured for his fellow Professor to take a seat on the chair across. "How may I help you, Neville?" He asked politely.

Neville was taken aback with Draco's politeness. Did he enter the right room? Or did he accidentally enter another dimension where Draco Malfoy was actually nice? Who can blame him tho? Neville spent all his years in school being bullied by him and his posse. Sometimes out of nowhere he would remember the times when he was called worthless.

"Mal-Draco" Neville immediately cleared his throat and corrected his acknowledgment. Draco watched as his old bully victim try to speak out of his awkward air. "I'm here to tell you that students from Herbology are all in the Hospital wing."

"What on earth happened?" Draco asked.

"There was a slight mishap. To cut the story short I left for a moment and when I came back the whole greenhouse was covered in gas. I assume someone rushed into the procedure to extract a sample." Neville explained before handing him the excuse note for the affected students.

"That is indeed alarming," Draco replied. He pulled the right drawer of the desk and pulled out a piece of parchment that listed his names of his next class to compare with Neville's list.

"These are all 6th years correct?" Draco questioned whilst scanning the paper.

Neville nodded.

"It seems I have a free period today," Draco concluded after checking all the names. Almost all of the students in the Hospital Wing belong to his next class. He could not start a lesson with only five students present.

"Very well. I must be going." Neville stood up. "Thank you, Draco."

After Neville exited the classroom, he returned to grading the papers from her previous class. Once he came across Alicia's paper, he noticed how her handwriting was similar to Hermione's, it was neat and aligned without lines and margins guiding her writing, but what struck as familiar was the big letter she added before starting a new paragraph. He was also fond of doing the same style when he wrote.

A deep sigh signal made him realize that he was again thinking of the pain. Remember Hermione still brought him pain. Even though he was happily married, he still missed her, he still loved her. She was the most beautiful thing that happened to him after the war. He remembered how she forgave and accepted him despite what people thought of him, he recalled those days when he was succumbing into that deep hole of guilt and regret, yet the mere glance of her smile and her presence alone can pull him back up to the light.

A small smirk appeared on his lips when he recalled that day when he received a powerful slap from the young witch. He was again mopping and the witch held her last straw and slap some sense into him. He touched his left cheek. He could still feel the pain of that slap until now.

Not only did that slap intend to bring him back to his senses, but it was confirmation that had fallen for the brightest witch of his age.

After everything she did for him, how did he repay her? He repaid her with a knife stabbed behind her back. It killed him. He was too much of a coward to rebel and fight for what he wants. If he had fought for their love then everything would have been different.

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