Chapter 49 (Book 2)

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“Just as we suspected.” Announced the healer that was holding a clip board.

 “What is it?” Draco asked and held on to his mother’s hand.

 “A long term spell has taken over Mrs. Malfoy’s life.” Said the healer, his voice stern and serious.

 Narcissa’s face was pressure and down. Her body had weakened after days when she had been set free from a spell. She looked down on her lap and a single tear escaped her eyes. She couldn’t believe a spell could simply take over her for at least 17 years. This explains all the things that she couldn’t possibly do if she was in her normal state of mind.

 “Can you find out who cast it?” Draco asked when her saw his mother tear fall on his hand.

 “I am not sure yet Mr. Malfoy, but we will try.” Responded the healer and tried to smile to lighten up the mood in the room.

 “Thank you healer.” Draco said and a small sigh escaped his lips. With that the healer left leaving them private time.

 Draco looked at his mother and he didn’t know what to feel. His mother was the person that helped in different things and he loves her so much, But seeing her broke and sad made him want to kill whoever did this to his mother. He really couldn’t believe that this was the thing that caused lots of distress for his family.

 “I-I remember everything Draco.” Said Narcissa. Everything she had done while in the influence of the spell had came back to her and she wasn’t happy with what she had done. She was horrified of herself now.

 “What do you remember mother?” Draco asked and adjusted on his seat.

 Tears started to run down Narcissa’s cheeks as memories of the things she had done flashed back. Even she couldn’t believe she could do such things to people who were innocent. She gripped Draco’s hand tighter and looked into his silver pools.

 “I-I killed people Draco.” Blurted Narcissa which caused Draco to stiffen and his eyes remain wide open.

 “W-what?” Draco managed to say as he blinked twice.

 “I killed, I ordered people to kill.” Narcissa explained her voice shaking with fear.

 Draco couldn’t believe his ears. His mother was just confessing to him that she had been killing people while in the influence of the spell. I mean he understood what the spell had done to his mother; if he was in a spell he could do things like that.

 “Oh my Merlin!” Narcissa suddenly said and pulled Draco towards her. A flash back just came to her and it was a warning.

 “What is it Mother?” Draco asked worriedly. His eyes studying his mother’s terrified eyes.

 “Save Hermione Draco, James is not to be trusted! He killed Astoria.” Narcissa said in a rush but Draco understood.

 Draco stood up and took a step back from his mother’s bed to apparte. He felt the familiar feeling of being squeezed into a tube when he appated. Finally his feet hit the solid ground of Hermione’s office, he opened his eyes and found Hermione sitting near the fire with her wand pointing at the new painting of her and Alicia.

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