Chapter 42

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Draco’s POV

 “Don’t ask me that question Draco. It’s pointless when you’ll just defend her over and over again.” Hermione said as she sat down on the chair. “Ask her instead.” She added rolling her eyes.

 She was right I was going to defend my mother but I was thinking otherwise, Because Astoria also told me that mother had something to do with it. But one thing I don’t know was, How did mother gain knowledge about this issue and it bothered me.

 “I will and I got the feeling that you aren’t lying.” I said as I took the seat next to her. “Please tell me your side of the story.” I continued.

 “My side is a long story.” She said and stood up adjusting her dress. Those were her last words before she left the living room.

 I sighed and rubbed my temples. Just as I thought all the problems were going to be alright damn it! It was just starting. A groan escaped my mouth as I heard my phone ring once more, I looked at the caller I.D and it was Astoria. Even with what she said to me I understood her and I just accepted what she did.


 “Draco. I- uh- Mother is looking for you.” She said over the phone her voice unsure and awkward.

 “Tell her I’ll be in the Manor in a minute.” I replied and ran my hand over my hair.

 “O-Okay.” Astoria replied and she hung up.

 Ever since she told me about Scorpius things began to become awkward between us, the usual meetings at Hogwarts were no more. I really hope Scorpius won’t notice. The mother he knew and loved was Astoria and if we told him he would freak out. As if he isn’t freaked out with what he saw in the paper. I’m sure he has read the paper or heard the news from his friends. I haven’t seen him for three days now. I’ve spend my three days with Alicia and I hired a substitute teacher to take over the class for three days.

 Anyway, I apparated to the family Manor, the feeling of being swished into a tube wasn’t foreign anymore. Being used it was quite helpful with the feeling when you land on the ground. I felt the soft plush carpet of the parlor in my childhood home.

 “Draco.” I opened my eyes and I saw my mother and father sitting on the black leather couch.

 “You called mother.” I said rather harshly and took the seat that was just behind me.

 “I guess you know why we calle-“

 “Get to the point mother. You have a lot of explaining to do.” I snapped and crossed my arms on my chest.

 “Don’t use that tone at me young man!” mother scolded and pointed her finger at me.

 “Narcissa calm down.” Father grabbed my mother’s wrist as he restrained her mother from launching an attack on me. My mother hates being interrupted and being disrespected.

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