Chapter 35

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Hermione’s POV

 “The faster the better.” I thought and paid the needed amount and signed some waivers.

  “Well, well, well.” I suddenly stopped signing the papers and felt the hairs behind my neck stand.

  That voice. Oh Merlin please tell me it’s not her.

 I stiffened as I could feel the presence of that person behind me. I never thought in my whole life that I would encounter her again. But what surprised me is, how in the world did she leave Azkaban? She was a level four threat in the world. In other words she was just below the rank of Voldermort who was a level six threat.

  “Well, isn’t it Miss Granger.” She purred.

 I was literally frozen.  I was too afraid to turn around. I was afraid to see that face again. But I was no longer Hermione Granger, I was Jean McLaggen now. And I dare say Jean McLaggen does not fear anything.

 I swallowed the large lump and silently took a deep breath. Anne and James went ahead and I had no protection, but I had to face her again. This was bad. If I remember correctly she was crazy and she almost got me killed.

 “Helen.” I said and bravely turned around to face the crazy woman but to my surprise she didn’t look like a crazy person anymore, instead she looked elegant, well groomed and well educated.

 “I knew it!” She suddenly exclaimed like a little girl. “I knew it! I know those curls from anywhere.” She added which really made me confused.

Okay, she was my cell mate in Azkaban and she almost tried to kill me. Good thing Harry was there doing his inspection and he saw what Helen was about to do to me. Thank Merlin Harry was there because if he wasn’t I’d be dead or worse Alicia would not have been born.

Helen was my cell mate during that time, she knew all my secrets, and my story and I told her everything about my life. She was normal at first at least that’s what I thought. What I didn’t know that she had a sickness that without her control she could kill.


 I was sitting on the old used bed of Azkaban Prison. It was already my third month in the prison and my stomach was getting bigger as days passed. I was reading a book about safe pregnancy because if I wasn’t out of here then I should try to raise the baby in this type of environment or let her be adopted by one of my friends.

“You don’t seem to worry about the baby’s father.” Helen said which caused me to look at her. She was on the top bunk of the double deck bed that was in our cell.

 “Once I’m out of here, I can get back at him.” I said and flipped a page.

 “You know.” She started and sat down in an Indian seat. “If you let your baby grow while you’re doing your revenge-“

 “It’s not called revenge.” I suddenly cut in.

 “Then what do you call it then. Getting back at someone? Isn’t it revenge?” Helen said and brought out her motherly side.

 She was a mother but she lost her family because of her sickness and she had killed them without knowing it. She was very motherly yes, and she had given me advices about her mother nature. She was young when she had a son she was only 17 years old and she had left Hogwarts to raise her son and form her own family. But because of her sickness she had killed them, and she ended up here.

 “Yes it is revenge.” I admitted and rubbed my swollen stomach. I sighed and placed the book the metal table just beside me.

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