Chapter 47 (Book 2)

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“Mummy!” squealed a little girl as she ran with her blonde hair bouncing behind her and her pink dress flurrying around her. A huge smile was on her face as she ran to the arms of her loving mother.

 “Hello, sweet heart.” Said that woman with brown hair as she kissed the little girl’s rosy cheeks.

 “Mummy, look I found a flower.” The little girl exclaimed and showed the white flower that she was holding.

 “Aw, that is so beautiful sweetheart.” The woman smiled and tucked one of the girl’s blonde locks. The little girl smiled and placed the flower on her mother’s ear making it look like a hair pin on her brown hair.

 “There, mummy is also pretty.” Cooed the little girl and clapped her little hands together. The woman chuckled and kissed the girl’s small fore head.

 The brunette woman placed her little girl on the grass ground. Suddenly a gust of wind pushed her dress and caused it to follow the winds direction. A small smile appeared on her flawless face, her smile grew wider when she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her. She felt his chin rest on her shoulder as she placed her hands on his.

 “Why is it every time you hug me I feel safe?” She asked the smile not leaving her glowing face.

 “I don’t know, maybe because I’m well built and Handsome?” He said causing her to smack his arm and he unwrap them from her waist. “Well, it’s true!” He added.

She giggled and suddenly wraps her arms over his neck and stares at those beautiful silver pools that always caused her to stay up at night. They were perfect and none one could say that they looked bad because that would be a complete and utter lie.

 Without warning the two leaned in for a kiss. It was a kiss filled with love, passion, the longing for forever and the feeling of completeness. The pulled away once that heard their children playing tag and chasing each other with an Orange cat right behind them.

 “I love you Hermione.” He said with emotion, which caused Hermione’s stomach to do flips.

 “I love you too Draco.” She replied with the same love he had given to her.

 Those three powerful words were the words that everyone wanted to hear for the people they love and these two were the luckiest couple in the world, they had a family, a house, money, and a good relationship with each other. It was something only a few families have these days.

 “Mummy!” said a little boy with blonde hair like his sister.

 “Yes dear?” Hermione asked as she pulled away from Draco and looked at her son.

 “Mummy look Crookshanks found a rat!” said the boy and pointed a Crookshanks that had a rat in his mouth.

 “Crookshanks!” Hermione scolded but the cat swallowed the rat already. “Silly Cat.” She whispered and sighed.

 Hermione sat on the green grass and held out her arms for her children to come near her and hug her. The two children ran instantly to their mother’s arms and giggled merrily. Draco was there looking at his perfect family. He had a smile that could never be erased from his face once he was with his family and that smile was plastered on his face.

 “Draco.” Draco turned back his attention back at Hermione and her brown eyes twinkle with love and compassion.

 “Dad!” The children squealed and mentioned for their father to join them. But before Draco could jump in for a hug, a green light hit him square on the chest and he fell on the ground.

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