Chapter 46 (Book 2)

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“What?!” Everyone in the room seemed to be in shock, especially for Hermione.

 “Who gave you that idea?” Alicia suddenly pushed away from the tall aurors to defend her mother.

 Hermione was there standing, glued on the floor as she processed the events in her head. Did the Auror just say murder? She would never hurt anyone, especially kill them. She wasn’t that heartless. Draco on the other hand looked at the Aurors with disbelief.

 “Your magic was traced when Aurors investigated the train crash.” Explained an auror with royal blue robes.

 “I haven’t left my house!” Defended Hermione, she was about to march towards the man but she felt ropes tie her in knots.

 “You have the right to remain silent, what you say will be used against you in the Ministry court.” The man with the blue robes announced and disarmed Hermione.



 “LET.HER.GO” Draco said in gritted teeth. The Aurors suddenly stopped what they were doing and faced the angry looking Malfoy.

 “Do not interrupt the arrest Malfoy.” Hissed the Auror “you know what will happen if you did.” He added and grinned at Draco.

 “I said Let her go Grimor.” Draco ignored him and pulled out his wand. “I’m still your senior so you will listen to me.”

 “Draco, Don’t!” Hermione exclaimed with her hands tied behind her. “I-I’ll go with them.”

 Everyone stayed quiet and watched them. Grimor’s brown eyes drifted to Hermione and settled on Draco. He felt something weird happening between the two adults. Suddenly a wide grin started to plaster on his face and let out a small chuckle.

 “But mom-“

 “No Alicia, The more I hesitate the more they will think I’m guilty.” Hermione explained and tried to convince her that everything was going to be all right.

 “Draco, take care of the children.” Hermione tried to muster a small smile.

 With a loud pop, Hermione disappeared along with the Aurors to the Ministry Of Magic Law and Enforcement department. This place wasn’t foreign to Hermione, she already knew the place. She was an auror before hand and she knew everything about being an auror.

 “Is that-“

 “No, it can’t be”

 “I thought she was dead?”

 “Is this a joke?”

 Upon entering the halls of the Ministry people started to notice that it was Hermione. Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched as a team of Aurors led Hermione to the Court room. Hermione rolled her eyes as she willingly walked with the Aurors to the court room, she tried to place in the Jean McLaggen attitude just for now so she could get past this mess. As they were nearing the court room she took a deep breath and composed herself.

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