Chapter 25 (Updated)

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Chapter 25 *2023 Update*

"I do apologize for this, Malfoy." Harry Potter sighed from the floo call. "Everybody's been tied up. Ginny's been called to coach the Harpies at the last minute and the Auror department has Ron and me on a short leash with the recent breakthrough of a case. Even Mr. and Mrs. Wesley are not in the country."

"Don't worry about it, Potter," Draco replied, seeing the Head of the Auror Office overworked.

"How is she?" Harry asked with concern lacing his tone.

"The blood infusion is slowing down the corruption in her blood. It's taking a while for the tests to say exactly what is causing the corruption." Draco reported. At this point, he felt useless. It's already morning and the tests have been coming out inconclusive. Nothing seems to make sense. They couldn't get a proper diagnosis to start any treatment.

His mind wandered to the scene he left earlier. Before leaving to use the floo network to call Harry he looked back at Alicia's still figure. She had grown paler. Her lips only had a subtle tint of color her blond ringlets lost their volume and bounce. It was as if her hair was also a sign of her health condition. He was worried like any person would be but his worry was intertwined with fear.

"Ha-have you told her?" Draco hesitated but he needed to ask.

Harry sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "No, but with the number of resources she has, she would be aware by now."

"Have you found out anything about what happened to her years ago?" Draco inquired remembering Harry's statement from weeks before.

"It's been hard since I couldn't officially open an investigation into someone who's apparently dead. There's a high chance that the Minister is aware she is alive, prompting him to immediately turn down my request to form a team to look into the movements of Jean McLaggen." Harry explained.

Draco couldn't see it but Harry was fisting the pen that was in his hand. Under his hand were the documents he submitted to the minister. The folder had a red DENIED plastered on the front of the document.

"The McLaggens have businesses all around the world. Maybe you can backtrack using a wand permit. Surely she needed that when she entered countries that required a wand permit."

"I did." Harry opened the folder and showed Draco a copy of a wand permit. "The name used is Jean McLaggen, Hermione's married name. No one would look into other details aside from what's written in front of the permit. As long as it's legal it would easily pass through." Harry turned to the document and began skimming through the details.

"The first year written here is March 2005, a year after they were married."

"A clever way to hide tracks. It's still legal considering Jean is her second name." Draco commented.

"Truly." Harry sighed. "My evidence is enough to create a foundation of a case but her hold inside the Ministry is stronger. I'll keep trying but I might go off books with this one."

"I thought your plate was full?"

"I have to rely on favors for this one."

"If you need something just owl me. Maybe I could pull in some favors as well."

"Alright. For now, please just stay beside Alicia. I've owled everyone so someone will go there and take your place."

Draco nodded. "Potter, I know it's not my place but do you know who Alicia's father is?"



June 2002

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