Chapter 33

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Hermione’s POV

 “Draco?” I pushed the potions door open but he wasn’t sitting behind the desk.

 I pushed the door and let myself in. The room was empty but I still had to make sure. I repeated Draco’s name once more but still no answer. Maybe he went out or something, it was still quarter to 12 and he might be in the Great hall. I sighed and walked down the isle of the classroom.

 I remembered when I was the one walking this isle when I was a student, when I wore scarlet Gryffindor robes with books tugged in my arms. I would always sit in front or between Ron and Harry which ever was available. But for my years this potion classroom would not be complete without greasy haired Professor Severus Snape. Yes we all had judged him but everything he had done was for Harry and for Lily Potter. He died as a hero and he is one of my heroes.

 I walked around the classroom and I found the door leading to Draco’s Private office. I knew it was his office since all the Potions Professors had it also for their office. I knocked on the door and there was no answer. I gripped the cold silver knob and I felt shivers run down my spine. I twisted it and slowly pushed the door. He wasn’t their but loads of parchments were piled on his desk and some were even floating.

 I scanned the room and it was covered with Green and Silver colors. Typical I thought and rolled my eyes. I slowly made my way behind his half full of paper desk. My eyes wondered on the items on the table until something caught my eye.

 I slowly picked it up and examined it. It was a picture of Draco and Astoria at their wedding. It pained me to remember that day, it may be a happy memory for him but to me it was the worst. But I couldn’t help it but to imagine if I was the one in that white dress, will I be happy now? I sighed and placed it back down. The picture frame beside it also caught my attention. It was their family picture; Astoria was sitting between Draco and their son. Her smile was like she won a million of Galleons and her eyes twinkled with happiness.

 They looked as they were a perfect family and everything was all right. But she looked at Draco’s eyes in the photograph it was like he had guilt in them. I stared at the young version of Draco and it seemed that he was so familiar as if I feel really light hearted towards the boy even if I’m just looking at his photograph.

 “That was just taken last summer.” I jerked my head to the direction of the voice and I found him leaning on the door.

 I placed the photograph back on the table and cleared my throat. It felt weird and it felt awkward for me to be talking to him. I swallowed the lump that was in my throat and started to speak.

 “They look so happy.” I said and walked away from his black desk.

 I saw him smirk and he pushed him off the door. He walked beside his desk and grabbed the picture frame. I examined it and a small smile had just replaced his smirk.

 “They are happy yes, but I was the one who was dying inside.” He said as he placed the picture frame back on his desk.

 “Look.” I started before he could bring the topic back to the past, which I always hated. “I’m going to bring my pride down and I’m going to ask for your help.” I said which caused him to look at me confusingly.

 “Help?” He repeated as if he was mocking me. “Really? I never thought you would ask for that.” He said and rubbed his chin with his thumb and index finger.

 “I am doing this for my daughter!” I snapped but suddenly turning myself back to my calm state. “She is dying and she needs both bloods of her parents for her to be cured.” I said and took in a deep breath, inhaling the mixed scent of different potions.

 “And you think I’m her father?” He asks. Ouch! I already told him and I know he had seen some signs when he was with her.

 “I already told you! And what I told you was the truth.” I half yelled. I wanted to speak to him at a clamming manner but I swear he can really get on my nerves.

 “I need proof-“

 “Proof?!” I screamed my blood was really boiling at him right now. “Were the signs not enough for you as proof?” I asked and crossed my arms on my chest as I looked at him with anger in my eyes.

 “No they aren’t so I need solid and a logical proof.” Draco said calmly. Surely I will hit him if I wasn’t doing this for my daughter.

 “Fine!” I said as I gave up. I need to sacrifice for my daughter’s survival. “What solid proof do you want?”

 “I want a test.” He started and pulled out a piece of paper from his drawer. “Muggle’s call it a DNA test.”

A/N: Okay I left you hanging again. Sowwie! But since I love you guys so so much I will update again! I'll just clean the apartment and boom another update! :) Be right back!

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