Chapter 28

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Narcissa and Astoria were walking gracefully to the conference hall of the M&L building. Astoria had a wonderful cheerful smile on her face as people greeted her as a high-class magazine editor. She smiled back at them as she looked at them. But Narcissa on the other hand was still absorbing the events earlier. She couldn’t believe that Hermione was alive and smirking at her that way she had smirked at her before.

“Mother?” She heard Astoria’s sweet voice bring her back to reality

“Oh. I’m sorry dear. What was that?” Narcissa said sweetly placing a small smile on her face.

“Were here.” Astoria replied and pushed the double door and revealed the elegantly decorated conference room.

“Ah, the Malfoys.” Said a man with black hair and his features were warm as he smiled at them.

“Sorry for the delay.” Narcissa said as she spotted two empty chairs next to a beautiful young woman with blonde hair. She felt Astoria grab her hand and led her to the empty chairs.

“ Tis fine. We are still waiting Mrs. McLaggen.” Said James, Hermione’s assistant and bodyguard. “Wine?” he added and gestures to the wine rack just placed on the side.

“No Thank you.” Narcissa replied with her hand saying no.

James eyes fluttered to Astoria and gestured for the wine but Astoria smiled and refused. Wine always made her tipsy even it was a tiny sip.  James smiled and poured in his own glass. The people in the room were composed of the investors and other business partner of the company. They were happily chatting and everything was fine until Narcissa cleared her throat which caused everyone to look at her.

“I’m sorry, but, shouldn’t we start?” She asked.

“We can’t until Jean is with us.” Anne said in her monotone voice.

“You are the President!” Narcissa slightly raised her voice.

“Vice President Mrs. Malfoy.” Anne corrected. “And I do not own the company. The company is owned by my Cousin Jean.” Anna said she wasn’t even looking at Narcissa’s impatient face.

“Who is this Jean person anyway?” Narcissa asked her voice slightly rising. “Why is there limited information about her?”

“That Mrs. Malfoy will be answered by her only.” Anne said as a smirk made its way on her face. Suddenly the doors opened and a tall woman with brown curly hair walked in.

“I would love to answer them, Narcissa.” A voice came from behind Narcissa’s chair.

Narcissa stood up from her seat and stared at Hermione with wide eyes. Her mind processing the event but it seems she couldn’t. Astoria on the other had just stared with confusion. Narcissa watched her seat on the chair that was only reserved for her. Hermione smirked in Victory was she looked at Narcissa’s face it was the face she wanted to see for years.

“Good Morning Mrs. McLaggen.” One investor greeted and kissed the back of her hand.

“Hermione Granger.” Astoria said under her breath.

“Good Morning to you all.” Hermione greeted back but this time she faced every one and smiled.

“You own M.L clothing line?!” Nacissa asked her voice shocked and frightened.

“Why yes. I do own it I am seated her aren’t I?” Hermione said as she pointed on the chair that was at the end on the table.

“How can a MudBlood have such a high class company?” Narcissa said with venom in her voice.

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