Chapter 50 (Book 2)

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It had been a gloomy day for Narcissa, everything was flashing back in her mind causing her to cry every time she remembers everything she did. She had killed people, no, she ordered people to kill. She wasn’t the type to do dirty work since was a bit sloppy at the job so she had to order people to do it. It was a surprise that Lucius didn’t know about the spell cast upon his wife but he knew for a fact that the Narcissa he was seeing wasn’t the Narcissa he fell in love with. He didn’t ask further about her actions because he knew someday his wife will come back.

 “You remember everything, don’t you?” Narcissa looked up and saw her husband holding a bouquet of flowers.

 “I’ve been a bad person Lucius.” Narcissa replied wiping the tears on her cheeks. “I’ve been in Draco’s way. I am a bad mother.” She added but more tears flowed down her pale cheeks.

 “Yes you have.” Lucius agreed and Narcissa glared at him with red puffy eyes. “I mean you didn’t know you were in a spell.” Added Lucius.

 Narcissa looked back on her lap and stared at it. She wasn’t sure if she was even ready to face the world after what she did. What she did was unforgivable she would be lucky if she wasn’t sent to Azkaban. Signing she looked at her husband, it’s like she hasn’t seen him in a while, he had aged but it was normal she haven’t seen him with her normal state of mind for a long time.

 “I owe Hermione Granger an apology.” She suddenly said and tried to reach parchment that was on the medical night stand.

 “McLaggen dear.” Lucius corrected.

 “What?” Narcissa questions.

 “Hermione Granger is no longer Granger she is a McLaggen.” Answered Lucius and sat on the edge of Naricssa’s bed. “She married Cormac McLaggen but sad to say he had passed.”

 “The dear boy was sweet yet his temper can get the better of him.” She commented and continued to write words on the parchment.

 There was silence filling the room but not one wanted to break it. Lucius arm was around Narcissa as she was writing the apology letter. Lucius could read everything that his wife was writing he knew Narcissa would want to see Hermione and tell her personally about the apology but Hermione had a temper on Narcissa and they didn’t want anyone going to Azkaban.

 “Mother! Father!” Draco’s voice bombard as he entered Narcissa’s room. He looked furious like he was going to kill.

 “Draco what in-“ Lucius was cut off by Draco’s sudden appearance in the room.

 “James took Alicia and Scorpius!” He yelled.

 Lucius and Narcissa gasp. If there was something that made grandparents become younger again it was their grandchildren. Some did say grandchildren weigh more love that their actual children but hey that’s what we all hear.   

 “This James person has gone too far I’m calling the minister.” Lucius looked absolutely furious. His pale eyes were filled with anger and fire that couldn’t be put out with a simple ‘don’t worry’ statement.

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