Chapter 41

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A/N: Before you guys read the chappie. I just want to say THANK YOU for everything. I know I say this in every author's note but I will never ever get tired in telling you guys how thankful I am :) I just wanted you guys to know something about the last chapter, A little trivia or some sort. Did you know that Chapter 40 here in Wattpad is actually Chapter 50 in Quotev? Haha! I know crazy right? Well if you are wondering I combined for chapters if the first one is short because I don't like you guys to be hanging so yeah I added them :) As for Chapter 40 wow, I didn't realize that it was 8 pages! Holy sh*t that was so long. But I'm sure you enjoyed it. :) Anyway, Here is the next chapter! Comment after! :) I really like reading your comments. Oh, before I forgret I'm posting a story a Harry Styles AU hope you guys read it. It's okay if you don't. :D 

PS. Is anyone interested in making a My Daughter trailer? :) I actually thought a trailer would be good. I would do it but sadly the movie maker in my bro's laptop isn't working and I don't know how to make a trailer. Haha! :) 


Alicia’s POV

 I am seriously the happiest girl alive right now! I’m here in McLaggen manor with my mum having tea. It was really weird to be near her at first but I quickly got used to her. She was caring, loving, sweet and really motherly. 15 years she lost but I could see she was doing everything so she could catch up with the lost years.

 Ever woke up from my comma and the first faces I saw were my mom’s and my can you believe it my Dad! I know I must look like an idiot right now. I am smiling and it seems I can’t take it off. Mom had a wide smile on her face and she can’t stop saying that she loved me and she was sorry. Dad on the other hand was happy and he couldn’t stop saying he loved me too. I am so happy right now that my parents are here with me alive and well.

 Uncle Harry and the others seem to be happy too. Once they heard the news that I was alive they had rushed to St. Mungo’s and they gave me bone crushing hugs. I missed them so much and they cried when they saw me smiling at them. I missed them too but I haven’t seen Scorpius come to the hospital. Odd if you ask me.

 “Do you want more tea darling?” I snapped out of my trance and look at my mom, her beautiful brown eyes studying me carefully.

 “No thank you mom.” I replied and gave her an assuring smile. She nodded and placed the tea pot on the silver tray.

 “I just noticed this.” She spoke and sat up straight on the arm chair. “Since we left the hospital you seem off sometimes.” She said and scotched beside me.

 Despite the yellow aura that was inside me I had been thinking of Scprpius all this time. He didn’t come visit me ever since I left St. Mungos. I assumed he was busy but when Dad talked to him to come see me at the McLaggen Manor he never came. I felt a little hurt that he didn’t come.  I tried owled him but I never got a reply.

 It has been two days since I was discharged from the hospital and if you ask me it was the best two days of my life, family wise. Why you ask, Mom and Dad had spent their time with me. I wasn’t able to go out yet I was still in my medications and bed rest because Healer Payne said that I needed to recover fully. I didn’t argue I was tired as hell I felt my whole body ache each time I tried to move or do something big like carrying a chair or something. I was beyond the effects of the cruciatus curse. 

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