Chapter 21 (Updated)

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Chapter 21 *2021 Update*

To use the saying, "It looks like you've seen a ghost," is an understatement. Indeed, standing before them was Hermione Granger alive and well. As if it was a normal day, Hermione Granger took the seat between Anna Vain and the headmistress.

As the meeting progressed half of the attention was on Hermione's mere presence. Those who have known and met her before continued on engaging with the plans. Hermione also actively participated but she couldn't pass on the chance to look at the people who were shocked by the revelation. A smirk was playing on her lips as she enjoyed their reactions. The tension was felt but everyone's professionalism surfaced to overpower it.

Harry was trying hard to shut his emotions until the meeting was adjourned. He was torn between feeling relieved that she was alive and feeling betrayed. This woman in front of him was far from the Hermione Granger he knew. No. This wasn't Hermione Granger at all, this woman is Jean McLaggen. She died and left her child. She was alive but didn't bother to return to her child.

If Harry felt betrayed and relieved, Draco felt rage. He wanted to scream and ask her why she hadn't come for her child. All the tears Alicia shed were for naught. She had caused the young girl so much grief and pain. They were all trying so hard to erase her tears knowing that Hermione Granger would want happiness for her little girl but now it felt like everything was an illusion that would soon break and only more pain and suffering would eventually come.

"Now that everything is set, we only need to have the press releases out and the ball to celebrate." Anna's assistant gave her the papers and stored them inside a case. "Your invitations shall be sent within the week. Meeting adjourned." She announced.

Hermione stood up to shake everyone's hand but as the others left the room, Draco lingered waiting for everyone to exit. Anna had noticed it and decided to take her leave.

She gave Hermione a peck on the cheek. "Be safe, Jean. I'll see you soon." Anna whispered before leaving the room with her secretary.

Once Anna was out of the room, the door was shut and locked. Hermione was fishing out her sunglasses from her bag when she heard the click. She didn't need to lift her head to see who locked the door.

"I assume you have questions." Her voice was cold. The warm, comforting and familiar voice he was used to was no longer present. It felt like he was speaking to a stranger.

Draco couldn't speak. He didn't know what to ask her first. Without an answer scuffed and walked past him but he immediately grabbed her arm

"Do speak up, Draco. I have an important commitment I cannot miss." There it is again. No warmth at all. The chilly winters paled to this. His grip tightened but she didn't even flinch.

"How are you even alive?" He managed to ask.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." She slowly pulled her arm from her grip and continued to walk away.

He watched her walk away. He stood frozen unsure what to feel. She's alive and well not to mention married or rather widowed. A widow with an entire empire behind her.

"She died when I was born." Alicia's voice echoed in his head.

Alicia. That girl grew up knowing her mother was dead and her body buried. That sweet girl didn't deserve such anguish in her heart.

He ran after her. When he finally caught up the driver was already holding the passenger door open for her. The driver had spotted him and informed his boss. Hermione didn't even turn to look. She ignored his presence and slowly slid inside the car.

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