Chapter 32

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Hermione sat still on the wooden chair of Alicia’s room. It had been a week and a half and still no improvement with Alicia’s condition. That last encounter with Draco and Astoria still had shaken her. All those years she thought Astoria knew about the things Draco did, but how wrong she was. Astoria was clueless and confused, Hermione didn’t plan on her getting hurt, and she never meant Astoria any harm.

 She sighed and ran her slender fingers over her brown hair. She couldn’t think of any way to change what happened. Every plan had a flaw and this was it, she wasn’t a heartless person to let one person, so clueless get involved with such complicated problems. But it was great that Astoria had been so nice and understanding to her, she was nothing like her plastic mother.

 “This is my first time to see you again Hermione.” Hermione let out a heavy sigh after she heard a woman’s voice. She knew who it belonged to.

 “I had to stay hidden Pansy.” Hermione replied and stood up from the wooden chair.

 Pansy Parkinson now married to Blasie Zabini had known that Hermione was alive after their last visit to Hermione’s grave last Christmas. She was in a great shock but she took it better than anyone she knew.


 Pansy Zabini paced back and forth on the small veranda of their home. A huge owl just landed on her desk carrying an expensive looking envelope. The letter was gripped in her hand; she couldn’t believe that the hand writing on the paper was something she never expected to see all of the sudden.

 She slowly unclenched the letter from her hand and read it once more. She was sure that it was hers and she could never be mistaken by the detail and neatness of the handwriting.

                                         Meet me at exactly 4 o’clock on December 28th

Orchids Park, Muggle London

 It was an unsigned letter but she had a feeling that this letter was written by a person she known that had died years ago. She needed to see for her to know for sure. Pansy entered her study and threw the letter in her drawer; locking it with a charm she left the room grabbing her coat from the coat rack she apparated to muggle London.

 The cold London air gusted around Pansy’s body as she landed on an empty alley near the Park. She tucked her hands on the coat’s pocket and walked down the half empty street. The pools of snow beneath her feet were melting into water but still the climate was cold as ever.

 Slowly looking up the small park like Orchricd Park came into view. It was a simple park much like any other but it had beautiful colorful orchids around it. Wooden benches were in the center of the park giving the visitors a perfect view of each kind of orchids.

 Pansy wasn’t sure on who she was looking for but she had a feeling on whom.  She tried to look for anyone with hazelnut hair but all she found were gingers, blondes and black haired. It was her 4th round and still no sign of anyone with brown hair.  Sighing, she sat down on one of the empty wooden benches and tried to rest. Closing her eyes she tried to think that it was all a joke and it was.

 “Things change, doesn’t it?” A woman with long brown hair had sat beside her but Pansy’s eyes were still closed.

 “Yes it does.” Pansy replied and opened her eyes to face the woman that had just made conversation with her.

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