Chapter 27

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“She came here?!” Harry Potter the once known as the Boy-who-lived during his days, half yelled at his friend.

“Yes.” Draco answered and looked up his friend. “She pointed her wand at me. Like what she did during the third year.” Draco continued and arms crossed on his chest.

Draco suddenly let out a small chuckled that made Harry stare at him like he was a maniac.  Harry raised an eye brow and watched Draco jerked his head and look at the sleeping figure of Alicia Granger. He was a bit shocked that Hermione came to see her and acted as a mother would do.

Suddenly they heard Alicia soft voice calling their names. Harry and Draco turned around and ran next to her. She was still so weak, her lips were still so pale and her eyes had lost its sparkle. But still she managed to smile at her uncle and her Professor.

“What happened to me?” Alicia asked weakly as if all her energy was drained from a magic fight.

“You came to my office then you suddenly collapsed.” Draco explained.

 Draco looked at Alicia’s gray pools.  He felt something when he looked at those eyes. He felt like he was looking at his own child, he had been thinking about the possibility that she was his daughter but he wanted to be sure.

“I’m sorry I made you all worry.” Alicia said her voice was gentle and sweet.

“Just don’t do that again okay?” Harry said and enveloped her in a hug. Alicia nodded with a small smile on her face. She slowly hugged back and said sorry once more.

Draco looked at the scene before him, he was jealous at Harry at the moment, and he didn’t know why. Slowly his eyes focused on Alicia’s smiling face, he was happy that she was okay and she was smiling.

“Excuse me?” He heard a voice from behind him.

The turned around and saw the nurse that had talked to him earlier. But now she was holding a paper that he thinks are the results to Alicia’s test. The nurse signaled him to follow her outside and he followed. Draco closed the door and followed the nurse to another room.   

“Ah, Draco.” Resita McLaggen’s voice echoed in her blue office.

“The results?” Draco said his voice semi cold.

“Ah yes, yes.” Healer McLaggen said and stood up and the nurse gave the paper to the healer.

Resita studied the paper and read every line carefully. Suddenly her eyes widen as her eyes drifted to the final test results.

“This can’t be.” She whispered with fear and let herself drop on the chair.

“What?” Draco asked as he watched her drop on her chair.

“Alicia Granger is very sick, she is losing blood as we speak.” Resita said and looked at Draco with worried eyes.

“WHAT?!” Draco yelled which caused the nurse and Resita slightly jump.

“She needs the blood of both parents to survive. She only has a few days left.”


Hermione was looking out the window of her office on the top floor of the company building. It was the most magnificent building anyone had ever seen. You could call it muggle inspired but it still had the taste of Magic in every corner of the building. Being the owner of a large building Hermione had to check every department in the morning and before the other workers would go home. She wanted to do the inspection to ensure the best quality in their products.

She sighed and sat down on her leather chair. Ever since she had that Draco she could never stop spacing out when she was alone. She couldn’t believe she almost melted when she was so close to him. She could never let that happen again. The last encounter was in Hogwarts, thank Merlin she wasn’t looking at him. That was the first time they saw each other after 15 years. She never though being so cold in front of Draco was hard.

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