Chapter 30

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Draco and Hermione’s head looked to the direction of the voice and to their surprise Astoria was there, her eyes widen and her eyes glassy. Hermione’s features softened as she saw the lady, even Astoria was married to Draco but she knew Astoria had no knowledge about their relationship. The only relationship Astoria knew about them was back in Hogwarts.

“Astoria.” Draco gasped, as he saw his wife standing in front of them. She didn’t look happy at all.

“You married me, even you saw her?” Astoria sobbed as she approached Draco’s towering figure.

Astoria had been listening to their conversation and what they had been fighting about. But she was still confuse and lost for words. She was a woman; she understood how it felt to be left by someone you truly cared about

“Astoria, you don’t-“

“Of course I don’t understand Draco!” Astoria cried and cut him off. She threw her arms in the air and landed on her hips. “So, please enlighten me.”

“I-Uhm-“ Draco couldn’t speak or even form a word for that matter. In short, he didn’t know how to explain it to his wife

“Spit it out Draco!” Astoria voice raised and filled with anger.

Draco couldn’t answer which caused Astoria get more angry and hurt. She looked at him with eyes filled with anger, confusion, pain and heartbreak.

“Aren’t you going to explain to your wife, Draco?” Hermione spoke up after seeing the way Astoria had reacted.

Hermione always thought Astoria knew everything about her husband, but she was wrong. Draco had kept a secret from a woman that showed compassion to him.

It boiled inside Hermione, the anger. It filled her whole body as she thought about how Astoria was feeling right now. She felt pity for Astoria; she never meant any harm for Astoria. Her only targets were Draco and Narcissa and no one else.

“You even knew Hermione was alive, you didn’t tell me!” Astoria’s eyes were turning glassy and itchy.

“I didn’t tell you because you would be shocked yourself.” Draco said and cupped Astoria’s gentle face.

In truth Astoria always had a jealousy problems but she tries to control it. She would only get jealous when necessary or it was far of line.

Hermione felt a little jealous by what she was seeing in front of her. But she couldn’t do anything; it was a married couple in front of her. Her fists slightly clench and her teenaged jealously took over part of her. 

“I’m sorry Draco, I can’t forgive you.” Astoria said as a tear fell from her eye. She took off Draco’s hands from her face and brought it back to him. She backed away a little and wiped another tear.

Draco looked at her and his lips forming a frown. Silence filled the hall, people who were there earlier had left and didn’t want to get involved with such argument.

“I came here to visit Alicia and this what I find? You just broke my heart into millions of tiny pieces.” Astoria said her voice breaking like her heart.

“I must be going then.” Astoria said turned her heel, she started to walk away with her head up high, like nothing happened at all.

Hermione watched Astoria walk away from the spot Draco was standing. She felt like she needed to talk to Astoria, to apologize and comfort her is possible. She knew how it felt to be lied to. But she couldn’t fully say she could understand what she was feeling but she knew how it felt.

“You didn’t change.” Hermione said her voice filled with anger, venom and pain.

She bumped Draco’s shoulder and started to follow the path Astoria had taken when she had left the hall. She needed to talk to the Malfoy wife, to thank her for being a mother figure for Alicia when she wasn’t there and to explain to her what really happened.

“Astoria!” Hermione yelled as she ran towards the brunette head.

Astoria turned around and revealed her bloodshot eyes. She had cried silently and quietly so no one could see her.  But it seems Astoria had found an abandoned or unused Hall that she could cry in.

“Astoria.” Hermione said once more as she started to slow down and walk in a normal pace.

“Forgive me for being pathetic.” Astoria said and forced a cheery smile.

“You are not pathetic.” Hermione started with her lips in a straight line. “You’re hurt and that is understandable” She added and smiled weakly.

“I’m sorry for taking Draco away from you.” Astoria said as they were seated on one of the dusty benches in the unused hall.

“It was a long time ago. He was the one who left me, so no need to apologize.”  Hermione said trying to make it sound like it was okay.

It was rather weird that two woman that had a relationship with the same man talk so calmly was just so odd. Mostly women that had the same experience with one man couldn’t stay in one room for at least 10 minutes, you know in short jealousy.

“But still, I am sorry.” Astoria smiled letting the warm sun rays shine and caused their shadows on the wall. “If only I knew then I would have stopped the wedding.”

“It’s fine Astoria. It wasn’t your fault.” Hermione replied and smiled.

“But if I may ask, do you still have feelings for him?” Astoria asked which caused Hermione to stiffen and caught off guard.

Does she still have feeling for him? Was she doing this for just revenge or something else? Was her, motive from the start only revenge on Draco and Narcissa?

What is her only motive from the very beginning was to get Draco back?

Astoria looked at Hermione as she was spacing out. Her eyes staring at nowhere and blank with emotions. Astoria wasn’t sure if she could read Hermione’s eyes but she was sure Hermione still had those feelings for Draco locked up by hate she had been building for the past fifteen years.

“You’re still the same Hermione Granger I knew.” Astoria whispered to herself as she stared at Hermione’s blank face.

Astoria knew Hermione at least and she knew deep inside that revenge façade of hers she still had that soft and gentle heart that she showed everyone in Hogwarts. She was just blinded my pure anger and revenge.

Free yourself Hermione Granger

A/N: Astoria! Did I mention she is a very sweet lady? Oh I think I did but hey I always wanted Draco to have a nice relationship :) What do you think so far is it getting interesting? 

A double update mayb? ;) What do you think? Just tell me! I'll just be out for Violin Lessons. See you in an hour! 

BTW, are there Quotev users here? I can't open the site :( Is there something wrong with it or is it just me? huhu. I need to update my Harry Styles Story there. Damn it! :( 

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