Chapter 14 (Updated)

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June 3, 2020

I must stop you before you read the chapter. Don't worry it won't be a lengthy Author's Note. I just want to clarify a few things and also to apologize. First, clarifications. I have been reading all of your comments and have taken notes on some of them. By the way, thank you for all of them. I appreciate each and everyone who took their time and dropped a comment. You guys helped me shape the story better. To better improve the story I have added and removed certain parts. I've added certain scenes like flashbacks and also tweaked a few ones. I have been trying to extend each chapter and shape it so it still matches the flow of the whole book. 

Second, the apology. In the past, I had promised to update this book before 2019 ended but I still haven't fulfilled that. I apologize for that. Things haven't been great. I just wanted to take a breather and disconnect from the world. We all need that time to heal and put ourselves back together again.

Anyway, let's not dwell.  I promised an update so here it is. I hope you enjoy it! 

*Chapter 14 (2020 Update)*

Paris, France

Shortly after arriving at the Paris apparition point Alicia found the nearest loo and emptied the contents of her stomach, namely, her breakfast. She may be a witch, but she was still not used to the idea of long-ranged apparition. To be honest she would not want a repeat of the experience. She always carried a potion to ease her symptoms, but this time her bottle was empty. She had forgotten to brew a fresh batch for the trip. In her defense, she didn't have an excuse to use it. She should have listened to her gut when it was telling her to brew in case of emergencies.

"I apologize for the rough travel." Draco handed a bottle of water when she exited the ladies' room. Alicia gulped the contents of the bottle and simply sighed.

"If we waited for another portkey to activate, you would miss Christmas Eve," Alicia answered.

When they arrived at the Ministry International Travel's Department, he had expected that the portkey he had organized was ready, but due to a foolish receptionist, the portkey was given to another fellow. The receptionist offered a portkey only sending them to the borders and suggested that they apparate from the borders to France. It was closer than apparating directly from London to France. At this point, Alicia considered a muggle alternative, but she knew that the holidays were the worst days to travel.

"Don't worry I have the portkey back to London secured," Draco assured her.

As they exited the doors of the Apparation point Draco was greeted by an elderly man in a sleek black suit and a black sailor's hat. Alicia's eyes sparkled in wonder when she noticed that the elderly man was standing beside a sleek white car. It reminded her of the muggle cars that Ron was gushing about during New Years'.

Uncle Ron would lose his mind out when he finds out that Draco Malfoy has that model. Alicia thought.

"Hello, Master Draco." The elderly man greeted in French with a tight bow.

"Have you been well, Harold?" Draco greeted with a warm smile.

"Very well, sir." Harold's eyes wandered to the young woman standing behind his master. "Now who is this young lady?"

"Hello, my name is Alicia Granger. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Harold." Alicia spoke in fluent French.

Harold's smile widened and shook her hand. "Are you the young master's girlfriend?" Harold asked in wonder.

Alicia and Draco stared at each other and then laughed. "No. Scorpius and I are just friends. He's like a brother to me."

"Alicia will be our guest for the holidays." Draco cut in between chuckles.

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