Chapter 15 (Updated)

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*Chapter 15 (2020 Update)* 

A few hours from the capital beyond the bustling romantic city stood an abandoned ruin of a once old castle or fort. There was nothing noteworthy about it but Draco Malfoy had seen what it could be. It was years after the war when he had found it. It was during a visit to an old friend living a few kilometers away from the old ruin. His friend had told him that the land was inhabitable because of what he assumed was a curse. Muggles and wizards tried to occupy the piece of land but none had accomplished to even remove the remaining stone slabs.

"Nothing seems to work." His friend said during a horse ride. They were up a hill overlooking the ruins. Draco was studying it with curiosity. "I talked to the French Ministry about it but even they can't figure out if it's a curse or the land just doesn't seem right."

"Can we go down and see?" Draco asked. He noted his friend's silence. "Is it safe?"

"I've never been but I assume it's safe. Although, mother had warned me otherwise." His friend answered.

"We are wizards, Antonin. We can handle ourselves." Draco gripped the reins and guided the horse down the hill before urging the horse to go faster.

"This is absolutely stunning." Alicia gasped upon entering the private land.

Despite the snow covering the grass, bushes, trees, and topiaries it was still magical, a winter wonderland. She would want to see what the gardens would look like during spring. At the center of the estate stood an Edwardian castle.

Draco helped Alicia step out of the car and let her immerse in the beauty of his home, a home which he had painstakingly restored to its former glory. Stone by stone he had to find a stone sample close to the foundation to appease the magic surrounding it.

"It used to be an old ruin. Just pieces of stone slabs of the foundation survived the test of time." Draco explained. "Ever since I saw it many years ago I had made it my mission to restore it. Rich muggles and wizards wanted the land but wanted the remaining foundation destroyed. What they didn't know was the foundation was magically tied to the land. If you have the malice intent to destroy the foundation, you'll be cursed. I retained the foundations and I haven't been cursed."

Alicia didn't seem to hear what he said or maybe she heard parts of it. She was busy admiring the beauty of his home. Each detail she soaked in and awed at.

"It's so beautiful."

"I can show you some photographs and old renderings of the original home. For now, let's go inside. Come." He placed his hand on her back and led her to the entrance.

She stopped midway and took a deep breath. "Is this really okay, Professor?" She asked nervously. The Malfoys were an esteemed and high ranking family. Despite being best friends with Scorpius and Draco she was still nervous about what others would think. What if Astoria didn't like her? What if they would look down on her? She was an orphan after all.

"Of course. There is no need to feel anxious. Astoria will love you." He assured her with a smile.

Taking a deep breath Alicia walked forward. The doors opened and they were greeted by a few maids and butlers lined up in the foyer.

"Welcome home, Master Draco and Lady Alicia." They bowed and greeted in unison.

Alicia was taken aback. She just stood there with eyes wide. She knew they were rich but didn't even expect this kind of greeting. With the way she saw Draco and Scorpius act she had never seen them so entitled so this was a surprise.

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