Chapter 31

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After the Hall way Drama, Draco had gone back to Alicia’s room. She had a more critical state than before, muggle devices along with other magical beside her bed and tubes connected in her mouth to help her breath. She looked paler and her eyes were shut tightly, she was so weak and dying.  

Draco sat on the chair facing Alicia’s bed, his head buried on his pale hands. The Drama earlier was too much to take in, and it was too much to even think about. He let out a frustrated sigh and pushed himself out of the chair. Why the problems from the past were suddenly jumped to the present? His friend was right; running away from problems isn’t the way to solve them, but it would only follow you till the ends of the earth.

“I was right wasn’t I? Draco.” Draco turned around and found a girl sitting on the chair he was on earlier.

The girl had long dirty blonde hair and she was wearing a white dress and her hair fell beautifully on her shoulders. She was about sixteen or seventeen but she looked so mature, so beautiful and charming, the smile on her face were ear to ear yet dimples had shown and made them even more cute and breath taking.

“I haven’t seen you in a while.” Draco said coldly at the girl as if speaking with his own age.  “You left.” He added not bothering to turn around.

“I never left Draco, I was always with you.” The girl said and spread her beautiful silver white angle wings.

“Sarah.” Draco started and fell on his knees; he shut his eyes tight and let the emotions run down his face. “I’m such an idiot!” He screamed but Sarah only smiled at him.

“You are not an idiot Draco.” Sarah started and with the help of her two hands she helped Draco up. “We all make mistakes, and we all learn from them.” She said and wiped the tears from Draco’s cheeks.

“I messed up Sarah.” Draco said his voice barely audible but Sarah understood it.

“That’s what you said when I died.” Sarah said as she placed her hand on Draco’s tear stained cheek and tug her smile into a straight line.

“I’m sorry.” Draco said and placed his hand on Sarah’s small hand that was on his cheek.

Sarah was his best friend since he was child but Sarah had risked herself just for Draco’s safety when he was assigned to assassinate Dumbledore. She had questioned the Voldemort why Draco had to do it and not some older guy, she had also tried to interfere with Voldemort’s plans but she failed and caused the mission to be delayed and the end of her life. Draco had taken the blame for her death and had gone through a depression which he could never forget.

“It was my destiny to die protecting you Draco.” Sarah said, her with her lips turning back into a weak smile.

“How is it up there?” Draco asked changing the subject. He didn’t want to be back in the past again.

“It’s fine. Being with my parents is the best feeling ever.” Sarah replied and ran her fingers over her dirty blonde hair.  “Draco I know what you’re thinking and I won’t let that happen.” Sarah added with her tone strict and worried.

Draco was thinking that maybe he could already leave this world. Sarah said that the place where she came from was a great place to live in, no drama, no fighting, and no problems. He never wanted drama in his life; all he wanted was a normal life. But he could never get that could he?

“It’s the only way Sarah.” Draco said his fist tightly clenched.

“No its not!” Sarah cried which caused Draco to unclench his fist and look at the girl in front of him.

“There are loads of ways to fix this.” Sarah threw her arms in the arm and stare at him. “Think about your children Draco.”

Sarah’s features softened and approached Draco. He had certainly grown taller than the last time she had seen him. She had been watching him over the years ever since she died during their sixth year at Hogwarts. She accepted that she was going to die when the spell had escaped Voldemort’s lips. All she wanted was to be with her parents that she never knew and watch over her friends.

“Children?” Draco asked and ripped his eyes from the floor and look at his angel friend.

“They are both your blood Draco.” Sarah said softly and approached Alicia’s bed.

“How are you even sure that she is mine?” Draco asked and crossed his arms on his well-built chest.

Sarah stared at Alicia’s face and saw features that were so familiar to her. She had also spent time in watching over the young the young girl and she had known from the beginning what happened and who was Alicia’s father.

“I watched her for some time now. I saw how you too are alike.” Sarah sighed but placed a smile on her face; she moved a strand of hair from Alicia’s face and closed her eyes, trying to remember those particular things.

“She loves flying yet her mother is afraid of it, green apples, she was very fond of them, the fancy handwriting she has is also close to yours…” Sarah trailed while Draco’s mind was flashing back to the times when he realized they both have a lot in common.

Sarah watched Draco as he was having his flash back with the things she was saying.  “I just hope he could accept you.” Sarah said to Alicia and placed her hand on her cheek. “Don’t worry he will. He is Draco Malfoy anyway, the misunderstood boy.” Sarah ended and smiled at the girl.

“Everything will be alright.” Sarah said in her mind and closed her eyes. She suddenly felt Alicia’s face twitch upon her touch. Sarah smiled and re-opened her eyes.

Alicia could feel her since she was her protector or guardian angel. That’s why Sarah had been watching over her because she was Alicia’s guardian angel. Sarah smiled and rubbed Alicia’s cheek to comfort her struggling body. Sarah suddenly stood up and spread he wings once more, turning around she found Draco looking like he had pieced together a puzzle.

“We all make mistakes Draco, but we learn from them. Not only that we learn from them we also fix them.” Sarah’s words were pure and true Draco had understood them but still he didn’t know what to do.

“What should I do?” Draco asked but when he tried to look at Sarah she was gone.

Suddenly Draco was wake; he looked around and found himself in the same chair he was on earlier. Alicia was still on the bed with the devices attached in her. He leaned back on the chair and realized that it was all a dream, but it felt so real to him.

“Listen to your heart Draco and you will know.” A sweet female voice echoed in his head as he closed his eyes. 

A/N: What do you guys think of Sarah? I cried when i wrote this chapter :'( Anyway I'm doing a double update today! Stay tuned :) Thank you for all the comments. :) Guys, I'm sad 'coz Quotev won't load and it hurts :( 

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