Chapter 44 (Book 2)

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A/N: STOP! WAIT A MINUTE! I want you guys to play the song while reading it. Thank you for all the support I love you all! :) :* xx 

The days weren’t the same as it was when Scopius came home from Hogwarts. Another term was done but he wasn’t happy at all. The usual smile on his face was fading every single day because he can’t see his mother or father in the same house anymore. Well, there were times when they would eat on the same table but it was quiet and awkward. He found himself always in his room writing letters to his friends and to Alicia. Even he knew the truth he treated Alicia the same, no hate, no jealousy, and he still loved her. Well, maybe the jealousy was a bit but it was normal.

 It was a normal summer day and he was in the library reading a book when he saw the fire in the place dancing violently in the library. He pushed himself off the seat and pointed his wand at the flame and instantly his mother appeared with a small smile forming on her lips.

 “Hello darling.” Astoria greeted as a wide smile appeared on her face.

 “Hello Mom.” Scorpius said and instantly hugged his mother. “You’re home early.” He added as he broke the hug.

 “I have a meeting in Whales so I have to pack.” Said Astoria and placed her hands on Scorpius’ cheek.

 “Oh. So you are going to fly by tonight?” He asked and took a seat.

 “Nope, hopefully later afternoon.” Replied Astoria as she tucked a strand of her hair.

 “Mother?” Scorpius started with a frown forming on his lips. “Will you and Dad be the same again?” He asked with hopeful eyes.

 Astoria stiffened and looked at her son. She was also asking that question to herself but it seems she already knew the answer to that but she refused to say her opinion to her son. She knew how sensitive Scorpius when it came to family issues.

 “I-I don’t know dear.” Astoria replied and tried to stay calm.

 “Oh. I understand.” Scorpius leaned on the arm chair and took a deep breath. He really hopes his family would be the same but ever since Alicia had came into the picture everything started to break slowly.

 He didn’t blame her because he knew her story. He knew about the endless crying Alicia had been through even it was in Hogwarts. He saw Alicia every night come out of Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom with red swollen eyes, it crushed him to see her like that. He helped Alicia bounce back as a normal teen ager but still the longing for a family feeling never left Alicia.

 “If we don’t work out dear. Please remember that we love you so much.” Astoria kneeled down and ran her hand over Scorpius’ blonde hair.

 “I know that mother.” Scorpius tried to hold his tears because he wanted to make Astoria happy because if he was happy then she would also be happy. “I love you too.”

 The room fell silent after those words but the silence was peaceful and the mother and son seemed to enjoy it too. Scorpius realized that this was the things that Alicia longed for, if Scorpius was in Alicia shoes then it would be so different, like there was a missing piece in his life.

 “I have to pack dear.” Astoria suddenly said and broke the silence.

 “Okay mom.”  Scorpius said and let go of the embrace.

 Astoria left Scorpius in the library and went to the room she and Draco were sharing for the past years. Upon opening the door she saw Draco facing the window with a muggle phone on his ear. She was about to disturb him to know that she was there but she knew it was a bad idea.

 “I know Hermione..” With those words Astoria felt her heart fall and break into a million pieces. She knew Draco still loved Hermione but it still hurts knowing it.

 “Do you need help with it?” Draco asked his back still facing Astoria. “Okay, just call if you need anything.” He said over the phone and ended it.

 Turning his back he found Astoria with fresh tears in her eyes. His gaze softened upon seeing her face like that.

 “Astoria? What’s wrong?” Draco asked and embraced Astoria. “What’s wrong love?”

 “I-I-I just-just going to miss you and Scorpius.” She covered up.

 “What?” Draco said surprised. 

“I’m going away for a while Draco, but don’t tell Scorpius. I told him that I’ll be in a business trip in Whales.” Astoria explained pushing Draco away.

 “Why?” Draco asked and pushed his eye brows in confusion.

 “I can’t do it anymore. I need space. I haven’t been myself lately I just need to be far away to think about everything.” Astoria blurted out trying to hold the tears that might fall but she failed more tears streamed down her face and soaked the carpet below them.

 “You also need time to think about our marriage.” Astoria started.

 “What are you talking about?” Draco questions.

 “And if I’m here then Scorpius won’t be able to have time for his real mother. I want you all to be happy.” She ignored his question and continued. With a wave of her wand all the things she needed were in her suitcases and floating out the door.


 “Bye Draco.” She said before she grabbed hold of her things and apparated before Draco could stop her.

 She entered the train and looked for a compartment that she would be alone to think. She found a private compartment and took her seat. She looked at the passing horizon that the train passed and her thoughts were in her family. The family that she left so she could think and be clear with herself. She wanted to be clear so she could fix it and try to understand everything.

 She knew for a long time that Draco was not the one for her but she tried to think that he was. She was young when they got married and she was still on the suffocating side of her parents. The only ways for her to breath was to marry Draco, yes it was a success but ever since the secreted was out she was suffocated again by the secret and the lie.

 After a few minutes of thinking, she knew she did the right thing to tell Hermione and she knew the suffocation would stop and let her breath again. She was positive that she would breathe again. She would be the person that helped bring two people together eve she knew it was hard because she loves Draco. But what choice did she have, be with the one she loves but not happy at all because the one she loves, loves someone else? She was happier seeing the one she loves happy. It was the happiness that was enough for her. 

 "I'll breathe again" She whispered to herself. But suddenly…..


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