Chapter 37

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A/N: Yeah I know, Double update! :) Haha! Since I love you guys so much I decided a double update. :) Yey! I hope you like this chappie. Oh and a shout out to @TayleurB! Because she is so noisy in the comment boxes! I love you so much baby doll! Thank you for the supprt! This chapter is for you. I hope you like it. :) xx 

The soft melody of Chopin’s best pieces played in the background as Astoria skimmed through the pictures of all the models of witch weekly. She was satisfied with all the pictures she and her group had taken for the last year. Chuckling, she placed the picture of Kayla Gregory, an Irish blonde teen on the pile of picture she had already seen. What success she had with her own magazine and her life.

Suddenly a frown formed on her lips as she saw Alicia’s first picture. Alicia really reminded her about Hermione and the memory that she heard Draco and Hermione yelling at each other in the Hospital Hall. She loved Alicia, yes, and she treated her as if she was her own and it hurt that she was only taken as a backup lover. She sighed and shook the idea off her head. She placed Alicia’s picture on the pile and proceeded to look at her picture. She stumbled on the picture of Alicia and Scorpius together during Christmas.

 “They are so alike.” She murmured to herself and ran her fingers on Scorpius smirking picture. “If only you knew.”

 Astoria was weak when she finished Labor 15 years ago, she was weak but she could still hear and see things. A tear ran down her cheeks as she heard the words of the healer. She knew the baby couldn’t survive the fall they went through but she had to stay positive. Astoria had been telling herself for years that everything was just her imagination.  Everything was her imagination but she was wrong.


 The healer looked at Astoria’s baby and held her finger on the baby’s fragile neck and she felt no pulse. Erma, the healer had memories flood back to her as the feeling of losing a child was so familiar to her.

Astoria saw Erma hand the bundle of blue sheets to a nurse.

 “Get baby boy Granger and exchange it with this baby.” She said to the nurse and gave her the dead baby.


“No buts Carmen. Do as I say or else we are dead.” Erma told Carmen and she nodded quickly.

They haven’t realized that Astoria was able to hear and see what they were doing.

“Get Mrs. Malfoy to her room.” Erma commanded the other healers after they had stitched her up and cleaned her wound.

The healer nodded and pushed the bed towards the door and to the room that Draco had reserved earlier. Astoria was weak but she heard everything that the healer said and she couldn’t believe that they would do that to her.

 Astoria woke up a day after she had her C section and still felt the pain in her stomach. She groaned in pain as she tried to turn to her side and came face to face with her husband Draco Malfoy. He had his head on the bed and the rest of his body on the chair. A tiny snore escaped his lips which made Astoria smile. She ran her hand over Draco’s blonde hair affectionately. Her life was perfect when she married him but deep down she knew he still loved Hermione.

 “Hey.” Astoria said her voice so caring and loving. Draco had stirred upon Astoria’s touch.

 “Hey.” He replied back opening his eyes revealing his grey ones.

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