Chapter 6 (Updated)

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*Chapter 6 (2017 Update)*

As the first few weeks passed by, the students of the magical school begun to flock the enormous fountain of knowledge collected over the centuries. The library had been filled with students pulling books on desks and trying to amass every information they need for their studies.

Alicia Granger was no different. She sat near a window far from the crowded area of the library. She quite enjoyed the solemn silence the small corner had to offer, it gave her a clear mind to understand and assimilate every information she needed for her homework and a few information to stock.

With a deep and contented sigh, she ended the last paragraph of her essay on the Fanged Geranium for Herbology class. She went over the whole essay and with a contented smile she fixed the parchments and placed them inside a black binder specifically for Herbology.

She closed the old book and placed it on top of a pile of books and placed another book on her desk from a pile on her right.

She began reading an entry on the Bowtruckles when she felt a presence in front of her. She looked up from her book and found Madam Pince standing before her with a few books tucked under her arm.

"Good afternoon, Madam Pince." Alicia greeted with a small smile. "How are you this afternoon?"

"I am doing well, my dear. Thank you." Madam Pince smiled and gestured to the seat parallel to Alicia. "May I?"

"Of course, madam." Alicia nodded.

"My, my, you really do look like your mother." The librarian said softly as she settled on the seat and placed the books she was holding on the desk. She couldn't help it but smile at the young witch. Alicia was much like her late mother, from a kind heart to the undeniable passion for the magical arts.

"Thank you, madam."

"When I saw you during the sorting ceremony I knew it was only fitting that I give this to you." Madam Pince presented a rectangular item covered in brown paper.

Alicia reached for the object and slowly unwrapped the item. It was a book. She turned the book and examined the silver H engraved on the lower right corner of the cover. When she opened the book she was greeted by a beautiful handwriting.

As the sun sets to say goodbye I am welcomed by the night's eternal beauty.

She flipped to the next page and saw more writing, it wasn't a book it was a journal.

"It was your mother's." Madam Pince spoke. "For some reason, she left it here in the library." Alicia continued to flip through the pages skimming through her mother's perfectly aligned handwriting.

"I found it one of the shelves one summer night when I was cataloging books. It was out of place and when I read who it belonged to I kept it in my office." She explained recalling that summer night a few years ago.

"These are entries from when she was still studying here." Alicia gaped as she read a few passages from the journal.

Madam Pince nodded. "I know how little you must remember your mother that journal will tell you her adventures when she was your age."

"Thank you, Madam Pince. This is so much. I cannot thank you enough for this." Alicia hugged the journal on her chest and slightly bowed hiding the small tears of happiness flowing down her cheeks. "Thank you."

The old witch had noticed the tears and decided to give the young witch a moment of privacy. She stood up and slowly moved away from the thankful witch.

Alicia had eagerly finished all of her homework and had dinner she retreating to her dorm to start reading her mother's journal. That night she had fallen asleep with the opened journal resting on her stomach. When the girls arrived and saw Alicia's resting body, Destiny had taken the journal and placed it on Alicia's nightstand and pulled the blanket over her sleeping roommate

As the morning passed and noon quickly leaving, students began to leave the Great Hall and quickly head to their next classes before the bells rang to avoid the crowds in the corridor.

Alicia made her way to her next class, Potions. Since the first day of potions, they had been with Professor Adams, a substitute professor while the assigned professor was still in India leading an excavation for an old stone with special properties. Unfortunately, the mission had run through a few problems leading him to stay for a couple more weeks than he had intended to.

The Headmistress was more than understanding and sent a letter to the Ministry of Magic requesting for a Potions Master to fill the post for a few weeks or until the assigned professor returned from Asia. Professor Adams was more than happy to take the post and grab the opportunity to teach.

Alicia arrived at the classroom and spotted a sulking Scorpius Malfoy sitting in the middle row occupying the two-person desk.

"What's with the glum look?" Alicia asked once she reached the desk.

"Nothing." He replied and scooched over to make room for Alicia.

Alicia noticed his dishonestly immediately. Even they just meet a few weeks ago she can instantly tell that this boy was lying.

"Oh please." Alicia scuffed. "Tell me what's bothering your blonde head."

"Hey!" He exclaimed. "Look who's talking blonde head, blonde head." he retorted seriously, but immediately dropped his seriousness and laughed along with his fellow blonde.

"I've been wanting to ask." Scorpius started after their laughing fit. "What do you think of Hogwarts?"

"You waited for a few weeks to ask me that question?" Alicia raised her brow, questioning her seatmate.

"Well, I asked your first day, but that is just the first day so now that you're all well and adjusted I wanted to know," Scorpius explained.

Alicia was silent at first before sighing. "I swear, Scorpius, your mind works in ways I can't even comprehend."

"I'll take that as a compliment." He grinned.

"Take it as you will." She playfully scoffed and jabbing Scorpius' arm. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"Fine." He gave up with a heavy sigh. "I've been missing recently mother and it saddens me that I can't be there with her. Father is away for months now."

Alicia nodded, understanding what her friend was feeling. She had also begun missing her Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry, but it only excited her for to go home for the holidays.

"Christmas is just around the corner, you'll be home soon." She assured him with a small smile.

"Back to my question." Scorpius shifted.

"Well, Hogwarts is beautiful and I dare not question my decision to transfer. I love it here." She said happily. "No wonder mum loved it here."

Scorpius was about to ask another question, but he was cut off by the sound of the heavy wooden door slamming open and their fellow classmates' gasps.

He settled his eyes on the small platform in the front and expected Professor Adams, but to his surprise, he saw a person he never expected to see in Hogwarts let alone standing in front of their Potions classroom.

"This isn't happening," he spoke under his breath. "Father."

2017 A/N: Hey guys! I noticed some of you are confused with the events. Well, in order for me to build the story better I added a few character interactions, added a few changes to the story and made other chapters longer. Please be patient and I will be able to finish all the 2017 updates. Thank you guys for the support! 

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