Chapter 20 (Updated)

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Chapter 20 *2021 Update*

Dear Hermione,

How have you been? I don't know when this letter will be able to reach you but I do hope it does before you come home. Last I heard your class has been sent somewhere in Africa. We're all doing well. Ron and I have been working with the Kingsley to round up the remaining Death Eaters and also to collect and destroy artifacts linked to black magic.

You asked about Hogwarts in your last letter. The restorations are still halfway complete. To say the least, the war had caused our economy to drop. Despite being reliant on magic, money is still a need. Those who previously funded Hogwarts have their accounts frozen for the time being. Most of them are still under suspicion. It's precautionary. Professor McGonagall and a few of the remaining ministry officials hosted a charity ball and the least expected happened. The McLaggens donated a hefty amount. This week a seat was given to them on the school board.

- Excerpt from Harry Potter's Letter

To say the least, when Alicia and Scorpius returned to Hogwarts half the population were gushing over the cover of the Witch Weekly Teens. They had become teen idols in such a short time. According to Astoria the launch of the magazine and the sales of the advertised clothing line was through the roof. It was beyond successful. Alicia had already been hired to be a teen model for the magazine. She was thrilled and terrified.

Thrilled because of the money she would be receiving after every gig. She could finally earn enough for her education and materials. Terrified because of the attention she was getting. She was not used to it at all. Also, Ron wasn't too thrilled about seeing his godchild on magazine covers. He even wanted to resign from Auror work and apply as a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor to keep an eye on her. Harry had to calm him down to avoid any trouble for the Headmistress.

"It's not the end of the world, Ron." Harry calmed his best friend down.

"Bloody hell, Harry! Of course, it is. She's a little girl. She can't be displayed like that." Ron argued picturing a little Alicia running towards him with a small sparrow on her hand. The little thing had been injured and Alicia had found it stuck on one of the bushes.

"You know, out of all of us, you're the one who's particularly against this. Ginny and I gave her permission. If anything happens, she can quit whenever she wants." Harry joined him on the couch. Ron was silent. His argument was unfounded and he knew that. He just didn't want the sweet girl being exploited.

"I was hesitant at first." Harry sighed and leaned on the backrest on the couch with his arm spread out on the backrest. "I wanted to keep her out of the spotlight. We did our best but there's no stopping it now. She's Hermione's daughter so it's natural that people admire her. Come to think of it, I have never seen her so happy before. Maybe it's only natural. She doesn't want us to worry so she keeps everything to herself. She's trying to get through all of this on her own. Sometimes I wish she would reach out. I know she's still hurting but for some reason, in our last floo call, she was so happy. She was smiling all the way through as she told me about her adventures with the Malfoys. Even with us, I'd never seen her aura glow like that." Harry was trying to stop the tears. It felt like he had failed Hermione but the image of Alicia's smiling face kept him from crying.

"She's growing up isn't she?" Ron sighed his elbow resting on this lap and his hand clasped together.

"Too fast, if you ask me."

"Can we even tell her the truth?"

"I don't know, Ron."


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