Sirius - Special Request

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  Growing up outside of Hogwarts wasn't very fun. Without being able to use magic - Sirius was basically the same as a Muggle kid. Sure, after a year, the group came along. But having four friends outside of school - in which you don't even see - can get boring. Quickly.

  But luckily, living in London has its perks. Like - lots of kids, even if they aren't magical. Sirius wouldn't admit that he spent time outside of Hogwarts with a muggle. But he did. Even if his parents disagreed with it.

  Her name was Autumn. They'd spend time running about London - telling off old folks, seeking into the back of one particular pizza shop and get a discount on pizza.

  It was like that for years. Even though Sirius loved Hogwarts, he always hated leaving Autumn. And loved coming back to her pretty smile.

  His family hated him. But god, he wouldn't give up on Autumn. He wanted to leave. Badly. Oh, so badly. His parents were horrible, his brother was annoying, and Kreacher.

  But he wouldn't leave Autumn. No way.

  Until that year he came home. Sixteen, and waiting for her on that bench. Waiting. And waiting. They made an agreement before he left last year to meet at that bench. But she wasn't there. She didn't show up.

  So he went looking.

  He knew where she lived, so he headed there. When he got there - to today - he can still feel the pain in his chest.

  The door was unlocked. No one was there anymore. The bright, pretty house he used to visit in the early morning's of England summers didn't have her anymore.

  The wall paper in her room was scratched. The desk that was hers was still there. And - though it hurt - he bent over the desk and looked at the small penmark the spells Sirius & Autumn. Which he put there three years back.

  He didn't leave that house. He sat down, right next to that desk, and cried. The tears from school, from home, and expecially her. He didn't get to tell her the truth. About the school he went to. His friends he had there. About how - when she talked about legends such as werewolves and unicorns and giants, he'd freeze, wishing to show her the world he knew. The truth.

  Then he saw it.

  The little piece of paper that was about to fall off the desk. It probably wasn't meant for him, but he unfolded it anyways.
  Dear Sirius,

  God I hope you're reading this. If so, I'm terribly sorry. Just the day after you left, my parents told me we're moving. To a small village near Wales with my Grandma - who's greatly sick. God, I'll miss you. And don't be mad. Here's my address, just incase you want to send me a note or... anyways (random address).

  If some day you can visit me, do.

                  Love, Autumn


  His hands were sweaty. The knocker was shiny. What if it's the wrong address? He looks down at the note. No. This is the right one.

  He watched as his hands took hold of the knocker. One, two. That's enough. Or did they hear that? Does he need to knock more?

  Dear Merlin, Sirius, calm down.

  It took a while to get his broom out of the house, then fly all the way here. The worse thing was waiting for night to arrive. It killed him.

  He watched as the door opened, showing a grumpy - faced old lady. "Who are you?" She asked, a very raspy voice.

  "Umm, does a girl named Autumn live here?

  She glared. "Why?"

  Sirius smiled evily. "I'm her boyfriend," he lied.

  The woman gasped, almost slamming the door. But behide her a sweet voice said, "Sirius?"

  The grandmother moved, and there stood a pretty, smiling girl. She ran up to Sirius, hugging him tightly. "Oh Sirius! How'd you get here?"

  He didn't think about that. Awkwardly letting go off the hug, he scratched his head. "My... brother brought me. He's meeting his girlfriend's aunt with her in a near-by town, so he went the extra mile."

  Sirius was suprised by his quick thinking. Normally his mind doesn't work like that.

  Autumn smiled, hugging him again. "I missed you so much!"

  Sirius smiles, now noticing that happy, warm feeling inside of him. He didn't  leave for a long time.

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