Neville × Reader

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Part 2

You lay back against the hill, which is so steep your just a few degrees away from a straight poster. Small rain drops fall on your fall, making freckles. Classes are finished. It's dinner, but you're not in the mood to eat. You haven't been for the past few days. This whole drama thing has gotten to you.

You tie blades of grass together, for minutes until you have a pile of them. You can feel the air get more heavy, so decide to pull off your sweater.

Sitting up, you see a figure in the distance. His/her back is to the shining lights of the Great Hall, which blacks out their front. They seem to be holding something, since their arms aren't swinging. The person gets closer and closer, till you can make out the faint face of Neville.

Dismissing the fact that you can run away (as you're to lazy to move) you watch as he turns and sits, handing you a plate of broccoli, cheese, crackers, and a slice of pumpkin pie.

"I'm sure you're hungry. I brought it for you," he whispers.

You snarl in an annoyance, when you're really thankful for it. You kinda did have a stomach monster, but no way were you walking into the Great Hall with hunger in your eyes. You'd seem a loser to fight for your opinion then lose.

You slowly eat the crackers, slicing the cheese with a knife Neville brought and putting in on the cracker.

You two sit in silence for a lifetime, him watching you eat. You watch as Hagrid makes his way from the castle to the hut. It's a sign that you must leave soon, as they'd sent for you which equals detention.

You finish the plate and sit it above you, beginning to hum to a Muggle song. Neville listens in curiosity, tapping the ground with his fingers.

You stop suddenly, and he turns to look at you. The new refill of food makes your stomach bark in gratefulness, which adds to your hospitality.

"Why'd you say you dislike me?" You ask, not caring to be kind.

Neville swollows hard. "Because I lied."

You nod, taking in everything as the reasonable person you are(n't). The nice weather and food make your mind more open to others, so you welcome in everything Neville says before you decide to pay him back.

"Ron... said he saw me... staring. At... you. A-And I said 'no'. B-Because I... but-but I was. I got defensive because I knew the Weasleys would make fun of me if the knew I had a ...crush on you. I said I hated you, and you over heard and... yeaaah," he trailed off, through short breathes and star gazing.

You nod your head back and forth, not suprised he likes you. You've known a while. Every (H/N) has know for a while. Hell, Dumbledore and his whole school has known for a while! It's no suprise you'd know. Which confuses yourself why you believed Neville so much.

And you remember, then. He said it with such anger, like it was tucked inside ready to explode. Like the whole time he secretly looked at you it wasn't out of love but hate. And it broke you, because then you believed that you might like him back.

And the sadness you felt after hearing that conforms it. That you do care for the idiot. So, without further a-do, you slap him clean on the face.

Neville gasps, and holds his cheek weakly. "Ow-owwie," he cries.

You shrugs your shoulders, and lean back on the grass, leaning to Neville's side to not hit your plate.

"Don't worry, I'll do the same thing to Fred and George, or Ron, when they giggle at you after I kiss you cheeks."

Neville turns back with suprise.

"That's what couples do, isn't it?" you say. "Kiss each other on the cheek?"

Even in the pale light, you can see his cheeks go red as a match. He tries to hid it, but fails which sends you into a fit of giggles.

You stay there a bit long, silent like you hadn't just kinda agreed to go out with him. That is, until a voice rings out.

"What're don' out 'er?" Calls the giant.

And then you got caught, but it was one hell of a chase to the dorms.

A/N ahh! I did it! Kinda later then I wanted it to be, but I did it! I finished Rebel Angles by Libba Bray yesterday and might I say if you're looking for a Historic Fiction series you better read Gemma Doyle. It's amazing. I started Dead Upon A Time earlier today and so far so good, but then I'll read A Sweet Far Thing (or whatever the title is) Anyways, thanks for reading!

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