Fred × Reader

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A/N I'm gonna make you be a Gryffindor in this because it's easier. Sorry, non-Gryffindors! I understand, I'm from the best house (Ravenclaw) :p.

You smile as the paper bird lands atop Fred's head. He reaches up, taking the bird by its wing and writes something. You can't see his face because he sits in front of you, but you're sure he's smiling.

Soon, your bird is flying again and it lands apon your desk.

Are you staying for Christmas break? You had asked.

It big, bulged letters it says - yeah. Why??

You quickly dap your pen in ink. Just wondering. Is Ron and Ginny?

You send the note off again, and you wait patiently for his answer back. He seems to take longer than needed, and you catch sight on him twirling his pen. Why does he seem so nervous?

The bird flies back to you after a while, but before you reach over to get it, Draco - who sits in the desk next to you - steals it. You groan, trying to get it back, but he holds it away from you. You don't want to cause a ruckus in McGonagall's, so you stay quiet. Annoyed greatly.

You watch as Draco unfolds the note, but hides what it says by his arm. You see him smirk, and fake gasp. Turning around, he shows it to his posse. The snicker, looking at you.

You snarl at them, waiting for class to end.


You sit apon the steep hill past the Covered Bridge and before the Game Keeper's Hut. All the Gryffindors were gathered around, because you just won a Quiddititch match. You had fun flying around, enjoying the wind. You didn't mind not winning - but winning does make you feel better.

Fred's right beside you. Along with George and Harry. Almost all of the Gryffindors listen to Fred tell a funny story about beating Peeves at his own game.

You hear someone yelling something loudly, and you look around. Every else does, wishing to hear what was being yelled about.

A few people move around, and you see Draco and a few other Slylerins walking toward you. You thought they'd try to "prove" you cheated, but instead, Draco smiles brightly.

"Hey there, Fred, pal," he giggles, sitting between you and Fred.

Fred glares. "What do you want, Mafloy?"

Draco fake frowns. "Why do you have to be so mean? I'm hear to help."

"Help with what?" You ask.

Draco smiles, standing up. "Fred looooves (F/N)!!!" He yells.

Fred blushes deeply, jumping up and hitting Draco very hard over the head. "N-no I don't!"

Draco rolls his eyes. Him along with his Slylerin buddies giggle and yell - "Fred loooves (F/N)! Fred loooves (F/N)!"

You blush - Draco's kidding, right? You've always liked Fred, but you shouldn't get you hopes up.

Fred looks down at you. You give him a confused look, and he turns away and runs into the castle. Merlin, this is embarrassing. Just embarrassing.

You follow him in, George right behide you. You run all the way up to the Gryffindor tower - right into the dorm.

Leaning against the wall, you watch as Fred hits his head on the wall. Catching your breath - slowly - you say, "There's... no need to... run."

Fred rolls his eyes, breathing heavy as well. "Oh, I'm sorry, Draco Mafloy just told all of Gryffindor that I like a (boy/girl) I'll never have!"

You smile. "You're just... trying to make me feel... better about myself?"

He glares at George. His twin smiles sweetly, leaving the dorm. Fred makes his way over, and leans against the wall with you.

"N-no. I've.... Umm, in that note - I asked if you liked me. You remember?"

You groan. "That's how he knew. No, I didn't get the note. Draco stole it before I read it."

Fred sighs - "Oh, I thought you were just ignoring it. Well... thats good! So umm..."

You turn over, pushing your body agasint his. "Yes."


"Yes I like you and you love me - so let's get together."

Fred blushes, smiling at you. "Cutting to the point, aren't you?"

You roll your eyes, kissing his nose. You lay your head against his chest, and he twirls your hair. George pops his head in, and cat whistles. Fred glares at him and pulls his finger across his throat - telling George harshly to leave.

George sticks out his tounge and shuts the door, guarding it. No one's going in there till you two come out. He's make sure of it.

A/N This is probably the most cheesy oneshot I've done, but I'm to lazy to go back and rewrite so....

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