Tom Riddle × Reader

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Let this be a lesson to you - Tom Riddle.
No way on Earth am I going out with you.
In the Wizard world or Muggle,
the answer will forever me NO!

You sigh, folding up the note and passing it to your left - where a wary blond passes it to her left.

You watch from your seat as the note is passed up to Tom - who smiles when he feels the tap on his shoulder. Making sure the professor isn't looking, he turns and grabs the piece of paper - catching sight of your eye and winking.

You roll your eyes, watching as he opens up the note.

He feels the sadness creep up from his gut. It's as if a scorpion just stung his heart. For years he's been asking you - this being the first time this school year - and he thought you changed your mind over the Summer. He was quite wrong.

At first when he started out, he thought you were just playing hard to get, but after a while he noticed you just don't want to go out.

It's ruff. He normally gets everything he wants on the first try. But this time? Nooo - (F/N) (M/N) (L/N) wants to ruin his dreams.

The boy behide him apperently read the note - because a slight giggle came out of his mouth.

While the teacher was turned away, Tom turned back glared daggers at him. "You think this is funny?"

The boy shook his head - scared - and looks down at his desk. Before Tom turns back, he looks at you.

You gave him a cheap smile, then focus on the teacher again.

Tom turns back, fury in his eyes. How could you act so... calm? All his Hogwarts life he's been trying to ask you out, and everytime its "no". Couldn't you give him a break?


He stood away from the loudest Slylerins. His eyes were stuck on you - flying around - balanced on a broomstick. (House) was winning - all thanks to you. He could see the big smile on your face from flying around - and it even made him smirk to. He remembers the first time he saw you playing. He had caught your eye - and you smiled at him. It gave him hope that you'd say "yes" the next time he asked. He was quite wrong.

Watching you, he didn't notice the Bludger coming for you till it hit you. Many gasps were heard - and you went falling to the ground. Someone casts a spell - and you landed softly on the ground.

"(F/N)!" Tom yells, making his way quickly down the tower. Merlin, if you were hurt he'd kill those Beaters who had a job.


Let's just say two players are in the nurses quarter along with you aswell. No one caught him - but many students know it's him. He'd strut along the halls - glaring at any of your teammates. They'd run in the direction they were heading.

He was sitting in the library when a scrawny Hufflepuff ran up to him and informed him you were up and walking the halls.

Shutting his book - he ran to where the boy said your were. And there you stood nodding as a few Gryffindors talked to you.

One of them caught sight of him - and she apparently cut the talk short, her and her friends leaving.

You turn to head somewhere, but then to see Tom. Smiling, you walk over to him.

"Hey," you say, swinging on your feet.

"Hello, (F/N)." He grins.

You whistle, looking up at the ceiling. "So... thank you... for getting on to those Beaters. I guess I acted rude to them once and they decided I deserved to get hit...."

He felt anger rise within. They were totally in for another beating.

He nods. "No big deal. You're... welcome."

You nod your head in thanks. Then, suprisingly, you give him a quick peck on the cheek - then turn away.

He doesn't blush. He just touches the place where you kissed him and licks his lips. "Does this mean you'll go-"

"No!" You answer before he finishes, not turning around.

Maybe next time, he smiles - finally reacting to your kiss by slightly blushing and whispering to himself - "(He/She) is just playing hard-to-get."

A/N I'm planning on writing a part2 - so... stay tuned, I guess.

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