Dudley × Reader

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Living with Harry had a harsh effect to his life. Unlike his friends, he knew of the world of magical creatures and evil warlocks hidden in plain sight. He grew up being told that world is disgusting, unnatural, ugly, evil.

But that didn't change his thoughts about it.

He'd lay awake at night, dreaming of dragons and unicorns. Wishing to have a real view of the world his spoiled cousin sees.

He's always been jealous of Harry. Harry Potter - the magical boy with magical powers who goes to a magical school with magical friends. Its all... unfair. Why does Harry get all the treats? Why does Harry have the powers? Why does Harry have the school, the wand, the friends, the love, the magic. Why does Harry get everything?

He sits conformablely in the livingroom, waiting for his friend to come pick him up. Harry was going to leave for the Summer to live with his friends. He did this last year - but this time just three of his... adult behaved magical friends are showing up. A boy named Ron (who's he seen before), and girl named... Her-something, and another (boy/girl) named (F/N).

Harry comes into the livingroom, pulling a large chest of his school stuff. He had a weird robe on, and the owl of his in its cage held by his hand.

The bird chirped, biting at the golden bars of its cage. "Just a few more minutes, Hedwig."

He sat down beside Dudley, sighing.

Suddenly father came in, his face red. "Do be good so you don't come back."

Dudley can hear Harry faintly wisper, "Love you too."

His stomach makes a funny feeling, and he scoots away from Harry.

A loud swoosh was heard - and Dudley looked over to see a ginger boy - Ron - walk out of the fireplace.

The moment he steps out, and other swoosh was heard and a (handsome/pretty) (boy/girl) stood there.

The ([second] boy/girl) runs up to Harry, giving him a warm hug and kisses him on the cheek. "Oh we've missed you Harry!"

Dudley blushes and Harry gives you a kiss right back on the cheek. Harry has a (boyfriend/girlfriend)? That's suprising! Expecially a (boy/girl) like her!

You get up, going over and grab Hedwig, petting her between the bars.

"Where's Hermione?" Harry asks, going over and getting his chest and carrying it over to the fireplace with Ron's help.

"She wouldn't wake up," you say, sitting Hedwig down on the chest and walking over to the couch.

You reach out your hand to Dudley. "I'm (F/N), one of Harry's good friends."

As father walked out right before Ron showed up, and still hasn't reentered - Dudley dares to shake your hand.

"I'm Dudley," he replies. His voice shakes, wishing to ask more about your life. But he keeps his mouth shut.

"Nice name," you smile, letting go of the hand shake and moving your sitting position to both your legs on the couch.

"So what's it like? Being a M- I mean normal." You smile, hoping he isn't sensitive about the subject.

He shrugs his shoulders. "It's alright, I guess."

"Alrightly, sure you don't want to say goodbye?" Ron asks Harry.

Harry nods. He grabs some flow powder from a bag Ron has, and is off.

Ron reaches into the bag and takes some aswell, then tosses it to you. He steps in, and is off.

You turn back to Dudley. "Maybe one day I'll come a visit and tell you about the Wizard world of you tell me about the... normal world."

Dudley nods, though he knows you won't be able too. He would love to have you come visit and learn about the other world. You seem more... cool about it than Harry. But his parents would make you go before you had a choice to stay.

Before you go, he points to the bag. "What that do?"

You smile, explaining to him in deep detail before getting up. You kiss his cheek as you did to Harry's and walk into the fireplace. You grab a handful of flow powder, the toss the rest of the bag to Dudley.

"Come visit sometime. Just do what I'm about to do."

Dudley was still blushing at your kiss as he watches you say - clearly - "The Burrow!" And disappear. Quickly, before his parents notice, he runs upstairs and hides the flow powder under his bed. Maybe he'll use it one day.

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