Tom Riddle × Reader

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Part 2

The last year. The last year of Hogwarts. Tom was heading somewhere - he knew. But he still had one burning wish on his mind.

Seven years of asking, and every time it was the same. No, no, no, no, no!. It was always the same word said in a different way.

Hogwarts is a week away from the end of the year, and he really wanted to head back on the train with his arm over your shoulder. It's a wish his wished every birthday (though he doesn't celebrate birthdays), every shooting star, every 11-11. So many wishes on one thing.

And so, he makes a promise. This time. This one, last time. And of you say no, then he'll never think about it again. Never ask, never wish, never beg. This is the last time. Hopefully the Universe will understand and tell you to say yes.

It's a long shot, but the short-shots didn't end well either. It's the best he's got.

He'd normally ask you to go out twice a week. He stopped asking you out four months ago. He's hooked on this one last, final time.

You've noticed his absence - and you couldn't help but feel something missing. All through Hogwarts - he'd ask you over and over. It became something normal way back in First-year. Without him bugging you, you kinda feel like your not at Hogwarts anymore. Even though your walking the halls.

It's the last day - most students spend this time packing. Not Tom, though. He packed a while ago. He likes this time alone in the huge place. He normally gets one lap in before the students start barging out from their dorms.

Sadness surround the castle. He honestly didn't want to leave aswell. This place hold great memories - great rejects. He couldn't dream of never coming back, but he'll live it.

He'd go off, living his plan. But you? You'd live a normal wizard life. Growing old, working for the Ministry, having kids. To which he wondered - who'd you have kids with if not him?

He began to get annoyed. You would marry someone else if not him. A handsome gentleman probably. Will Tom is that! He's handsome and... nice -ish. Why couldn't you see that!

And now he sees why he's in Slylerin beside that "wanting to go far in the world".

Walking past the Main Courtyard, he finds you sitting on a rock, laying and enjoying the evening sprinkle of rain.

He makes his way toward you, and you sit up - hearing the grass crunch under his feet. You stare at him while he sits down a few inches away.

"Hello, Riddle," you smile, careful with your words. This might be the last time you talk to each other.

"Hey, (L/N). I umm.... Okay. I want to point out this is the last time I'll ever ask. This might be the last time I ever see you and talk to you. I just... was walking and I found you and I think this is a good place to ask."

"Umm, (F/N), will you... g....go out... with me?"

"I'm sorry, Tom, no."

He sighs, but gives a fake smile. "That's alright."


He pulls his trunk up above his head. The compartment he had was empty, though he's one of the first one's on. He sits down, looking out of the window at Hogwarts. Merlin, he'll miss this place.

Minutes pass slowly. Another Slylerin sits beside him, but neither of them talk. The train moves forward, and whistles loudly.

Turning away from the window for the first time, he notices a small note on the window.

Will you go
out with
Compartment 211.
A forgotten bag.

He sits up. It looks like... your handwriting.

Sitting up, he dashes out the door and pushes kids out of his way as he runs to compartment 211.

Three Hufflepuffs sit in there, all giggling about something stupid. Above their heads, it shows three yellow-marked bags. And another one. A (house-color) marked bag with your name written in big, bold letters. He jumps up onto the seat, ignoring the suprised Hufflepuffs. There's a note that says - Chocolate Frogs - my favorite. The cart, perhaps?

He runs off, huffing to find the cart. Once he finds it - he ran down one end of the train and she wasn't there so he had to run the other way, uggh, the things he does for you - and asks the lady if she's seen you. She says she has, you left a note for him. She gives it to him, and he rips it open.

Last year. No more Hogwarts robes.

It takes him a few seconds to get that you mean the changing rooms, and he takes off. The changing rooms were at the front of the train, and not many students were there, since the train ride just begain. Only one door was closed.

He wondered where he was supposed to meet you or where another note is when he felt a tap on his shoulders. Turning around, he saw a flash of you before you kissed him.

The kiss was easy, and when it finished his knees wobbled a little bit. You laugh, smiling up at him.

"Why didn't... you way yes this afternoon?" He says, trying his best to act cool.

"What ever happened to '(gentlemen/ladies) go first'?" You say.

He didn't quite understand, but he still wrapped his arms around you. Finally, he could call you his (boyfriend/girlfriend).

A/N A longer one since almost all of my others are mostly under 700 hundred words. (Which is my goal for every Oneshot). Sorry the last bit was terrible I'm not very good at sweet and adorable moments.

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