Fred - Special Request

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He had a saddened look on his face. George, the poor Weasley, got a cold just around the Hogsmeade visit. Though Fred didn't want to leave without George, the boy made him.

"We must have supplies for pranks," he had said.

Fred gave a sheepish smile to his twin and turned around, leaving the dorms and making his way quickly to the spot where he must turn in his permission slip.

Heading off, he noticed how cold he was. The wind blew against him, and snow hit his face as if it was marking his freckles.

His first stop was Honeydukes. The store was unsurprisingly filled with students. He wiggled his way through, fighting to see what the famous store had in stalk.

He grabbed items off the shelf, trying to hold many things in one arm. After a while, he finds all he wishes for, and makes his way to the counter.

There sat a girl, leaning over the counter and talking to a short boy. She nods, points at something and the little boy runs away.

He confidently scoots up, and she gives him a warm smile. He grins back, dumping all his stuff on the counter.

Her eyes grow wide, and she giggles. He can barely hear it over the noise.

"F.... ..ou.. ....ed?" He can see her mouth move up and down, but he can barely hear her.

Pointing to his ear and giving a confused look, she nods and repeats. "Find everything you need?" She shouted.

Fred laughs, nodding. She starts adding everything up on a piece of paper - and trying to distract her so she'll get the numbers wrong - he starts a conversation.

"I've never seen you here before!" He yells leaning close to hear her answer.

"This is my uncle's store! My mom thought it would be nice if I get away from London for the year, so I've been working here!"

Fred nods, though she isn't looking. "What's your name?"

"Autumn!" She shouts, and somehow Fred can make out she's smiling.

"Nice name! I'm Fred! Will you be here the next time I visit?"

She nods. "Yes! Why, already want to see me again?"

Fred grins when she looks up, giving a flirty/stupid-looking nod. Though she blushes, she starts laughing. "I'm sure you get all the girls with that move!"

Fred knows he blushes, but acts like it's not even there. He watches as she keeps focus with the task of hand - counting the total.

He feels his fingers twitch. He won't be able to pay for all of this. In the end, she looks up. "18 pounds."

That's not as bad as he thought it would be. Have the prices gone down since last time he visited? It seems so.

"I'm giving you a discount," Autumn says. "Because something tells me you need it."

Fred's smile grows bigger, and he watches as she slowly puts everything in a bag.

His curiosity got the best of him, and right before she put the last thing in the bag, he asks. "Why don't you go to Hogwarts?"

"Because I'm a Squib," you say. He feels the sadness put into her words, and he almost kicks himself. Way to make the girl sad, Fred. The annoying voice of George spoke in his head.

He goes to apologize, but she holds up yher hand. "Say your sorry and I'll take away your discount."

He nods, handing you the money and grabbing the bag. He turns away, but before he heads off, he decides to ask if she'd like to go on a walk. Turning back, he finds her already taking to another customer. Maybe another time....

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