George - Special Request

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Lily sits down comfortably, taking in the sweet smell of rolls. Winter Break was harsh, and being back has been great. Hard to believe she's only been back for a couple of days. It's felt like she's only been here for an hour.

Ginny sits beside her, stealing a chicken leg from Ron's plate, earning a life-threatening glare. She giggles, Hermione sitting to her left. The other boys - Harry, Fred, and George, sits across from her.

In seconds, all the food layed out in front of her is gone. Only a chicken leg, some Jell-O and a scoop of corn sits on Lily's plate. Not caring much, she digs in.

"Guys! Lily barely has anything!" George whines, dropping another leg and some mashed potatoes on her plate. Hermione gives her some more corn, and glares at Ron. Harry give her beans, and Ron dumps all his green beans on her plate - under the eye of Mione. Ginny gives her half of her roll, and not a spot can be seen of her plate.

"Really, guys, I'm full from lunch - I don't need so mu-"

George hits Fred for not giving her anything, and begins to fit about how Fred doesn't care about anyone.

"George, seriously -"

George silences her with his hand as he begins to growl at Fred, when Oliver calls him over.

"I will be back," he snarls, turning and scurrying to the Quidditch Captain.

Feed giggles, followed by the rest of the group. They all glance at Lily, who is trying to figure out what she should eat first. She goes for the mashed potatoes, but knows she doesn't like them. But she'd be seen as rude, so she stuffs them in her mouth as Fred opens his mouth.

"Aww, George is so cute when it comes to Lily's health."

The mashed potatoes turn sweet as she gulps them down, staring at the twin. "W-What?"

"He really likes you, Lily. You haven't noticed?" Ginny pipes in, taking a bite of her beans.

She shakes her head, not fully believing the group. Why would George like her?

Harry laughs, like not noticing George's crush is amazing. "Wow. No offense, Lily, but you should work on your social skills if you can't tell George has a crush on you."

Her face is redder than it already was, and it makes everyone giggle more. She grows uncomfortable, looking down at her plate. Her fork is upright, sticking out of the beans. She begins to eat the thoughts away of George liking her. They're probably just kidding.

"- You have no idea, Lily. He was literally talking about how pretty your lips are at Christmas. I don't think he noticed Fred stole like half his presents," Ginny says, earning a laugh from the group.

"I know, Mum just sat their smiling at him the whole time and Dad fell alseep," Ron laughed.

"I lovvvve Lily! Lily, Lily, Lily, ahhh!" Fred says, gazing at the ceiling like it was his whole world. Harry points at him, agreeing by shaking his head, laughing so hard he bangs the table.

Even Hermione joins in, "Yeah, he stares at you - all. The. Time. Get a hint!"

The way she says it makes Lily crack a smile herself. After swallowing, she bursts with laughter, not noticing who was standing right behide Fred.

"Who does?" George asks.

In sync, everyone but Lily yells: "You!" And George's face erupts into a red tomato. Even Lily slightly giggles, but George must take it the wrong way.

His eyes turn pained, and he takes off out of the Hall and turns to run out of the castle. Forgetting her food, Lily pops up and takes after him.

She races down the steps, glaring into the night, trying to find George. She can still see him, running down to the lake. She goes after him again, huffing and puffing.

Once she reaches him, he's sprawled out on his back. In the moonlight she can see the tears running down his cheeks. She sits down beside him, reaching out to comfort him but he just moves farther away.

"I'm sorry, Lily. I know you don't like me back, and I wasn't planning on telling you. I promise it won't change our friendship, Lily. I promise, please."

She's never heard him whine. Never in the past five years, has she heard him cry like this. It hurts, and she throws herself at him in a hug. It's an awkward position, but she couldn't possibly care right now.

"George - you have no idea. I didn't know you liked me back," she says, squeezing his waist.

His hicks stop after a moment, and his crying face turns happy. "B-Back?" He whispers.

She looks at him, smiling. "Back."

He jumps up from his laying spot, throwing her harshly back on the ground. He runs around and circles, howling and skipping for the moon. Her eyes follow him til he turns back, noticing her uncomfortable posture.

"Oi, sorry, I threw you back," he gives her a hand. She takes hold, and is pulled up quickly into his arms. "Wow, I had absolutely no idea you liked me back," he says, spinning her around slowly. They stay like that for a while, maybe a couple of minutes before he cuts the silence again. "Lily, will you go out with me?"

She giggles. "Sure."

A/N annnnd done! For a while, at least. Dang, 900 words. Good for me. I really like this oneshot, you have no idea. And plus two updates. I might update randomly from time to time, but I have no idea when I'll get back on track. For now, thanks for reading. I hope you had a grand Thanksgiving, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years!

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