Draco - Special Request

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She sits desperately close to her brother. "H-Harry?" She whispers. He lays, barely breathing of the stone floors. Blood pours out of his lips, and she steals his glasses.

"Harry. P-Please, Ha... Harry..." She says, twisting his hair like she did before Hogwarts.

He stays silent. Rain starts to patter his forehead, than thunder booms over the land. But she keeps her head down. Hundreds of people stand around her, but every single one hold their breath. Even the fucking lizard.

"He's dead." Voldemort grins, turning around as the Deatheaters applaud him. They cheer for minutes, but she just sits there. Begging.

And then, she almost slaps him. He opens his eyes and grins. He mouths the words she wished for, and puts his hands under him to get up.

All of the students and faculty gasp in shock. The lizard turns around, and almost screams in amazment. He's stuck for seconds, enough for Harry to pull out his wand.

What happens next is lost. Before Harry came, Liz was hit in her arm. She had held it back for Harry - but knowing he's alright, she let's go. Falling back on her head and begging for rest.

She had almost hear the wands waving, the shouting spells. She can see the greens and yllows and reds. She can feel the rain, the cold floor, and the sparks of electricity from the lightning. It over took her, it felt conformable, and the pain was fading. To fast for it to be healing. It's getting worse. So bad, the she can even take notice of it anymore. She's losing her nerves. She's dying.

Pure black boots come in her sight, like the pounding thunder above. The legs shake like leaves in a hurricane. The person falls to the knees, and takes her head in their hands, tears flowing down their face.

It's Draco, of course. The person she was wishing to see before she leaves. His hair is messier than ever - and looks longer. It hangs in front of his eyes, but she can still make out the tears flowing from them. He's saying something, but she can't hear.

She shakes her head, hoping he'll figure out she can't hear. He must think something else, because it seems he begins to scream something. He's scream. In anger or annoyance - she can't tell. But it makes her feel horrible. Weak. And then her tears come too.

And so they sit, crying like babes. While a war of who's-stronger-and-better leaves people dead and broken. They can hear the screams, but cry over themselves. And how heartbreaking their story is.

After what seems hours everything's quiet. Their tears have stopped. She still breathes. Unevenly, and short. But she breathes. He hugs her so close it's possible he's making it worse. Harry, the poor girl's powerful older brother, sits down beside Draco.

"How is she?"

It's takes a few seconds before Draco can reply. "Nowhere near okay."

Harry slams his hand on the boy's shoulder. He calls for Hermione, and she rushes over. She weeps at the sight of Liz, but yanks her wand from her pocket.

"What am I to say? She's... she's close to..." the girl doesn't finish.

"Cast a protecting shield." Draco speaks.

"Draco, that won't help. A protecting-"

"Just do it!" He yells, tears coming back. "Please, Hermione. Ju... just do it."

Hermione sits to work, and Harry tries his best to cool down the boy. Liz lays, fighting to close her eyes. The gray sky seems wave to her, saying goodbye. Hermione's crying now, waving her wand. Beautiful webs of gray come from her spell, and it wraps around Liz like a invisible box.

Hermione looks up. "O-Okay."

Draco whines as he looks at her again, and lifts her up with his wand. "Take her to the doctors. Hurry."

Hermione lifts Liz up and begins to run awkwardly towards the castle. Liz lazily floats beside her, breathe slowing every minute.

There are tons of Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaw and teachers trying to find spells to help students. Gryffindors bring in the wounded. Liz is the Head Student, so when Hermione brought her in, it caught sight of a few kids.

A pair or Ravenclaws and a Hufflepuff come over. They whisper something to her, but Hermione couldn't hear. They turn with Liz, and take off deeper into the castle.


Draco sits, bitting his lip, hiccing. He moans, scratching at his arm. The smell of death is taking over, and he looks at Harry in front of him.

"Is she g*hick*onna be okay?" He asks.

Harry smirks. "Knowing Liz, most likely."

Draco nods, giving a small smile. Liz Lily is a fighter. He would know.

A/N A-oh! This took forever to write but it's done! Or almost, I'm gonna write a part 2. But I'm gonna finish my request first, then do another X reader than do it.
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