Seamus × Reader

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"Y/N!" He called. A door creaked open. A curtain ruffled. "Y/N! Where are you?"

You squeaked silently, and dug yourself deeper into the curtain. Perhaps Seamus will miss you.

Every curtain came up, and came down. Every single one held a little groan of annoyance. Seamus wanted to find her. You gained more confidence. But still didn't stand up. It'd be embarrassing.

He was three curtains away. Two. One.

The curtain swooshed up, and their you sat, shaking like a leaf. He looked down through the flying dust specks, and bent to his knees.

"Y/N, I'm sorry," he whispered.

You shakes your head, suprised of his embrace. Sadly, you doesn't hold enough confidence to hug him back. "It isn't your fault."

"Yet it isn't yours either. It's that stupid Slytherin who doesn't deserve to be aknowledged by you. Please, Y/N, go show her who's better."

His words struck your heart, yet kept your knees shaking. You couldn't stand up. No way. "Abi doesn't care. She just wants to impress everyone. I needn't take her dreams."

"She certainly wasn't impressing me. She's embarrassing herself. I don't care about her, Y/N. You know that."

Yet you felt like the he does. You felt that the boy steals glances at her. You felt that the boy blushed at her, whispered about her and dreamed about her. The thing that worried you so is that it's such a burden to you. You don't want Seamus interested in her.

You blue at your hair, looking around the empty room. The cold floor stained your knees, and you knew how uncomfortable he must have been. But yet, the boy stayed. He won't give up. And it's was enough for you to finally stand up.

Seamus smiles, and wraps his arm around your elbow. He takes you to the door, and opens it for you. You thanked him, and just outside the door is a wicked - looking Abi with a bundle of pink poppy flowers.

She smiles at Seamus, big and happy as she hands the flowers kindly as if you're not there.

"Uhh, h-here, S-Seamus," she squeaks.

You took the flowers from her hand and ripped them into many pieces. You threw them down and kicked them away. Seamus stands, giggling. Abi has a saddened look on her face, turns, and runs away down the hall and out of sight.

"That was easier than I thought," You announced.

Seamus pulled you down a separate hallway, through a hidden door and into small a ballroom. Pictures hang from the walls, elders with pointy hats. Candles stand burning on tables, which hold books and mini canvases.

"What's this?" You asked. Seamus pulls out a book under a desk, and hands it to you. Before you can open it, he's pulled you back through the hidden door which magically turns back into a odd crack in the wall. The book weighs heavy in your arms, and your pulled by Seamus again.

Up some stairs, through a corridor, up again and to the Astronomy tower. It's daytime, and most the kids spend their Saturday outside. No one's up here, though, which is quite surprising. Seamus sat on a bench, and nodded to you.

"Go ahead, read. It's my Birth of May gift to you."

You smiled at him, and opened the book up to a random page, which holds a yellow paper stuck in between. You picked it up, and glanced at Seamus. The boy swung from his perch, nodding more.

You unfolded the letter, looking at the eligant dashes and swirls. The ink was new, though the parchment was as old as Dumbledore. You had looked at Seamus on more time, and begin reading.

"Dearest (Y/N),

I am saddened and agitated of the fact you're unaware of my likeness to you. I have fully confronted my feelings (and fears) to ask if you'll accompany me to Hogsmeade next week?"

You stood silent for a few minutes, till you had looked up to see his face the color of Gryffindor flag. You nodded, and he jumped from the bench - fist pumped - as if a bird taking flight.

A/N this one is really crappy because it was meant for a request but I changed it to a reader because I felt it was a good idea and for all people to read it as the character so I changed it but it turned out bad oops. HAVE ANY OF YOU GUYS READ THE NEW RICK RIORDAN BOOK IT'S SO GOOD AHH

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