Lily - Special Request

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Kerstyn tapped his fingers slowly on his desk, leaning over Sirius in front of him. McGonagall is turned, trying to find a book for a boy who lost his own. Right in front of Sirius is Lily, and honestly her hair is almost shining like fire right now. Not even kidding.

And of course, to his bad luck, right at that moment, Lily looks back because some idiot yelled for her. The sudden movement caused Kerstyn to lose his balance and fall to the floor.

Remus next to him started laugh hysterically, while helping him up. Sirius bangs his desk in laughter. Lily covers her smile, giggling. Peter bites his lip like a rat, grinning. McGonagall puts her hands on her hips.

"What's so funny?" She asks.

"My concussion," Kerstyn answers, getting a giggling audience.

McGonagall sighs. "Is it really that bad, Kerstyn?"

The side of his head moans in discomfort. "Yes."

She waves her wand and the door blasts open. Remus takes him by the arm and pulls him along, like his leg is broken instead on his head. Not the Kerstyn is complaining.

They make it to the Nurse's office in no time, and Madam Pomfrey takes the boy under her wing. She shoos Remus off as if he's a bird, flapping her wings. She lays Kerstyn down, and touches his head immediately.

"You fell," she says.

No shit, Sherlock. "Yeah, I did."

She clicks her tounge like a snake, and whisps around the room. She pulls bottles off her shelf and a small cup from a pile. She comes back and hands him a dark liquid.

He takes it and drinks, grinding his teeth as it drowns into his stomach.

"You'll need to lay for a while. I'll send someone for your work, I don't want you moving about. Charles!" She calls for the Nurse's aid, and the boy rushes past.


It's noon time, when lunch is served. The boy's have an extra hour after this for study hall, so after eating they bounce into the Hospital Wing for a visit.

Sirius must've done something, because when he walks in he has a limp. Madam Pomfret acts as if she doesn't take notice, because she doesn't want to take care of the Black.

They all sit down on his bed, and share a can of Lemon Drops they got from Hogsmeade last week. They all chat about boring classes, sweets and Christmas break coming up.

At last, they bell rings and they leave for class. Right after Peter (the caboose) turns left for the group to head to Potions, Lily comes from the right.

She hair still shines as ever, and she even smiles at him. Her green eyes bore into his as she sits on his bed.

"Hi. How are you doing?"

His mouth becomes dry, and he can barely whisper : "Better."

She nods and looks around, easily seems as flushed. But Kerstyn sees it as annoyance. He bang his head against the wall, acting like it's an accident.

Lily giggles. "You're just trying to hurt yourself, aren't you?"

Kerstyn shrugs in response and looks out the window at the snow that begins to fall. They stay silent for a few minutes, till Lily speaks up.

"There's... rumors going around that you're not coming next year. Are they true?"

Kerstyn raises his eyebrows. The thing people make up for fun. He shakes his head and twirls his fingers. "Nope. I'm here to stay."

Lily nods, followed by a "Good." that warms his heart up like a furnace. His head seems to heal up, and he smiles.

Lily stands up. "Well, I should go study. Glad to know." Then she kisses his cheek, which almost makes him faint. She turns to walk out, but before she does she turns and announces; "I know why you fell out of your seat, Kerstyn. I didn't know you had such interest in me."

Then she leaves, without another word like everything's fine and dandy. While it most certainly is not.

A/N okay it's really crappy but done. This Summer I might get to go to Italy! I'M SO EXCITED. Or Greece or London (I have my hopes on Greece). That's in Europe (duh) and as I live in Oklahoma so I'm FLYING OVER THE ALANTIC. AHHH. I hope you enjoy my rants because I do.

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