Bill Weasley x Reader

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"That's him, isn't it? The Head Boy? Bill Weasley?" Your friend, Amelia, whispers, pointing towards a handsome red-headed boy talking to a group of friends.

"Don't point," you say, leaning up against the wall to get a closer look at him.

"He's handsome, isn't he?" Amelia says, pushing you away from looking at him. "I heard he's dating some other seventh year."

"Oh," you say, glancing back at him before completely turning away. "What's their name?"

  "Amanda? Amy? I know it starts with an 'A'," Amelia says, begins to walk down the hall.

  She keeps talking, but you tune her out. It's been three months since you've start secretly dating Bill. He's the Head Boy, and you're the fifth year fan that he happens to like for some reason. You don't get to talk much, and when you do it's later, after dinner, or in between notes. You know he's handsome, and it's not seldom to worry about him cheating on you. You know he's a nice, fair guy. But if he was dating somebody, they're most likely prettier and more liked. At least, that's what you believe.

  You turn back around, just to check, and you see him walking through the hallway, down to the other end, and you beg him to turn around and wave at you. But he doesn't, and your mood turns to dust.

  "Hey, I don't feel so well. I'm going to go see Poppy," you lie, turning away from Amelia. She gives you a sad look, and waves as you walk away in Bill's footsteps.

  "Get better!" She cries as you quickly make your way down the corridor to Bill. You wave back to her before you turn, and find yourself facing a couple of second years, a few fourths and Bill, passing all of them with a nod. Trying not to leave any clues, you pass by them calmly as you follow Bill through the rest of the hallway, till he turns right. You catch him, though, and pull him left onto the Covered Bridge.

  "(F/N), what are you doing?" He asks, almost monotone. He doesn't seemed surprised of you dragging him somewhere where nobody else would be.

  After you both drop off the bridge, you double check for any eyes before crossing over the field to the Forbidden Forest.

You didn't mean to go far, but soon enough you were so far you couldn't even see the Astronomy Tower. The trees around you grew up so high it reminded you of a jungle. You were alone with Bill, but you weren't queazy. You were angry at how cute is confused face was, and how he gave you a worried look when you snarled at him.

  "There's rumors," you start, clamping your hands together.

  He bites his lip, "They aren't true."

  "A girl. In your grade - Amanda, Amy, - whatever. They say you and her are dating."

  "I am dating somebody," he says, placing his hands on your shoulders, "it's you. It'll always be you, if I'm lucky."

His blue eyes shine, like they always do, and you whine when you fall for them. Again. Like always. So when he hugs you, you hold on for life. You both stay like that for a while, until he pulls back. He pecks your forehead like he normally does when you both are done hugging.

  "I told you, (F/N), that if you want me to tell people we're dating, I will. I'll stand up in the Great Hall and say it loud - because I'm happy I can say it without lying," he whispers, sitting his head on your shoulder, hands on your hips.

  "No. I mean, don't stand up and yell it. But... I wouldn't mind if we started saying it. Like, somewhere random. If anyone says their dating someone, just come out and say, 'Yeah, I'm dating someone too'. Or when a conversation becomes quiet. I'm tired of hiding it," you sigh, wrapping your arms around his neck.

  "As long as when I pass you in the hallway, I get to kiss you," he says.

  "Fine," you laugh, yelping when he lifts you up, spinning you.


  The next day, after finishing class you and Amelia dally around the hallways, until you see Bill walking swiftly down the corridor. When he sees you, he makes sure to go out of his way to meet you, and right in front of Amelia and his group of friends, he kisses you warmly on your lips, leaving you blushing as he winks and walks away, talking to his friends like nothing happened.

  "(F/N) (L/N). Explain!" Amelia commands, giggling. "Bill Weasley just kissed you! On the lips!"

  "It wasn't the first time," you say, smirking at her as you continue down the hallway.

(A/N) I know being vain is bad but I can't be modest that was adorable

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