Hermione × Reader

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You glare harshly at the Gryffindor before you. Hermione Granger, the "most brightest witch of her age". More like the most smart-ass, bushy-haired girl in Hogwarts.

She gives in innocent smile. "What's the matter, (F/N)?"

You turn around sharply, leaving her standing confused at the end of the hallway. Students stare you, wondering why you're stomping your feet and huffing your breath.

Hermione had taken your chance of impressing Snape. He's been harsh on you the past month, and you wanted to prove in class today you're a great student and definitely deserve at least an "A". For best an "O". But not what he's been giving you. A big, ugly "T".

You had studied all night for the quiz this morning. But, of course, Hermione takes the "O" you wanted. Of course, you could both have a great grade - but she wouldn't give you a chance to answer anything! She answer almost every question, and if not her, then she helped Ron or Harry. You didn't even get a chance.

"Uggh!" You cry, falling back on a (House) common room sofa. Your friend, (B/F/N), sits beside you.

"It didn't go well, did it?" (He/She) sighs.

"No! Hermione Granger took the spotlight, like always!" You groan, kicking the coffee table in front of you. "I just wish she'd stop being so... so... uggh! So smart! She could let us have a chance! This school doesn't belong to her! I wish she would see that! I wish she would let me try to have an Outstanding! Just once!"

You weep, hugging your knees. This girl thinks she's so smart and caring and important. How you'd love to punch her square in the nose!

"Maybe," says (B/F/N), "you should talk to her."

"That's a horrible idea! She thinks she's better than everyone! She'll probably laugh in my face!"

"You're a chicken," (he/she) says.

"Are not!"

"Are so!"

"No I'm not!"

"Then go talk to her!"

"Fine! Watch me!" You cry, getting up and stomping out of the room, (B/F/N) right on your heels.


Hermione was sitting in the Library, a big, thick book in her hands. He brown hair was fuzzy, all over the place and falling in her eyes. She blowed at it or placed her bangs behide her ears every few seconds, but neither worked.

(B/F/N) shoves you in the back with (his/her) elbow. Looking back, glaring, (he/she) nods for you to go. A smile on their lips.

You growl, getting up and slowly stepping out from behide the bookshelf. She doesn't seem to notice you, so you sit down across from her at the small table she's reading at.

"Excuse me?" You say.

Her head shoots up, staring at you with big eyes. "(F/N)! Hey! Are you alright?"

You sigh, turning and look at (B/F/N). (He/She) nods, and you turn back.

"No, not really," you see her eyes grow worried. "Umm, Hermione. You see... uh, well you are really smart -" she blushes, saying a quick thank you - "but you seem to... show that off sometimes."

She bites her lip, giving off a guilty look. "You... showed off... quite a lot in Potions. I was just wondering if... you could give me a better chance... to, uh, answer some of Professor Snape's questions."

She closes her book, giving you an almost tearful look.

"I'm so sorry! Harry and Ron told I do that and I thought they were just being rude! Dear Merlin, I'm sorry!"

You give a cheap grin. "It's okay. Just..."

"Try better?"

"Yeaaah," you sigh, getting up from the table. You turn to leave, but she clears her throat.

"Ummm... (F/N), would you like to study sometime? N-not that you really need it! It's just -"

"Sure," you nod, waving and turning to leave the library, forgetting about (B/F/N). "I'll see you around, Granger."

Hermione sighs. Thank Merlin she didn't spit out that only reason she was answering every question was to impress you....

A/N Haha! I updated today! Anyway, I want to say I'm going to be busy this weekend aswell, but hopefully I'll get a part done! One a day is by goal, and I hope I'll be able to keep up with it while school's going on.

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