Fred - Special Request

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The two boys flash their eyes around the corner. Hogwarts weekend was a time for students to hang out, study, and take a break from the hard schoolwork.

But for the Weasley twins - weekends are for pranks.

This particular prank was for a pretty (House). She's quite a courageous girl.

Because she pranked the Weasley twins.

The Weasley twins - the most rowdy, detention-getting, prank-pulling kids in the history of Hogwarts - were pranked. By a untaught girl.

The worst thing was, she actually got 'em good.

It had been a cool weekend break that day - taking place last week - and George and Fred had spent all day outside on the grounds, even heading inside the Forbidden Forest a ways to see if they'd run up on anything weird. Ronald was with them, since Harry was working on a way to breathe underwater for the upcoming contest for the Goblet of Fire.

After dinner, they - Fred, George, Ron and now Harry - headed back go the dorms. The cloudless sky this afternoon disappeared, leaving heavy grey clouds in place. The sky was thick, so even if the sun was still up, they couldn't see anything.

Rain hit the windows harshly, giving the dorm a creepy vibe. The rest of the boys were in the common room, so it was just the Weasleys and Harry.

They had been having a joyful time, talking about classes and play truth or dare, doing jinxes on each other. It was fun, till that sneaking (House)'s plan went into action. (A/N Because I feel the need to say it - if you aren't a Gryffindor, somebody just let you in because everyone knew what you were about to do.)

The lights flickered, which automatically generated worry to grow within the boys. Hogwarts runs on magic, so the lights should be working fine.

Suspecting a very evil presence on Hogwarts ground, Harry jumps up - running to the dorm door.

But it's locked.

Harry pulls out his wand, almost yelling "Alohomora" to unlock the door, but it doesn't budge. He kicks the door hard, and the Weasley jump up to help.

Giving up, Harry and the boys move to windows, try to cast them open. Not succeeding, Harry picks up a chair and smashes against the window.

The wooden chair breaks, not the glass window.

Groaning, the boys sighed, trying to think of something else. The lights suddenly turn of completely, leaving them in complete darkness.

All the boys hear Ron's gulp. "H-Harry...."

Then, a loud boom explodes overhead. Lightning lighted the room, and something new lurked in corner - George had noticed.

The boy grabbed hold of his twin, and together they slowly made their way over to where George had seen something.

Then, a loud growl burst from somewhere inside the room. All the boys jump, looking around, though all they see is darkness.

"H-Harry... wha's going on...?" Ron asked, fright easily noted in his voice.

The growl came again, and all the boys hit the ground. It sounded evil, almost from something along the lines of a werewolf.

They held their breath as Harry pulls out his wand and whispers "Lumos".

The light fills the room, but nothing unusual shows up.

Then, from right behide the twins is a loud

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