Harry × Reader

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A/N Okay, before I get started I need to say something because I feel the need to say it.
I went to Church camp a few weeks ago and the first day I was there we had to do a scavenger hunt - and me and a few other girls were just standing around waiting for a few other girls to get a thing checked off for the hunt. And... are you ready? I SWEAR THE TWIN OF MISHA COLLINS WAS DRIVING A GOLF CART AND I WAS FREAKING OUT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND IT LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE HIM AND I HAD A HUGE FANGIRL ATTACK THEN AND THERE AND I ACTED LIKE I WAS FAINTING AND I DIDN'T MEAN TO FALL BUT I DID AND I CUT MY LEG AND IT WAS REALLY FUNNY AND YEAH.
So basically the story means go to Church camp you might see the twin of one of your favorite actors the end. ONESHOT TIME.
(Ps. Yes I really am this weird in real life).
(Pps. Sorry this is shorter than the rest of 'em).


Coming back for his last year seemed the best idea. Being older than the rest of the students was nice, but he was Harry Potter - he doesn't need to be over age to rule Hogwarts.

He missed alot last year, and Ginny and Luna and a few others helped. Hermione joined him back to Hogwarts, but Ron decided he's had enough, though McGonagall let's him visit.

Harry was sure he had his life planned out after the end of the Second War. Finish school, become an Auror, marry Ginny and live a happy life.

That was before he caught sight of a particular (House). (He/She) stood out from the other (House) fifth years. Though you're three years younger than him - it's more him that's begging to be noticed.

"This is getting out of hand," Ginny laughed while he climbed up a pillar, hoping to get your attention. Ginny had understood that, after learning more about you from friends, he wanted a chance with you. She actually cheers him on at points.

You must be ignoring him, because he's walked right by you twice, trying to get your attention in the last fifteen minutes. He even made a paper airplane and threw it at you. And you haven't even noticed!

He was about to walk over there, take you by the arm and introduce himself. But he didn't want to come on as desperate.

He can hear Ginny's sighs, Hermione's groans, Luna's giggles. But he wasn't giving up.


Dinner time, he favorite time. You sit at the (House) table. And he doesn't notice the food pop up because he's staring at you.

You were laughing at something a friend said when Ginny stands up and storms over to you, saying a few words. You blush, and catch sight of Harry's stare. He blushes more than you, and sits his head on his empty plate. Merlin, this is embarrassing.

Ginny comes back, and taps his shoulder. "(He/She) said yes."

Harry looks up, confused. "What?"

"Next Hogsmeade visit. You, (Him/Her), together. Hanging out."

Harry jumps up, giving Ginny the biggest hug he can. "Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou! Ginny! You're the best!"

She sighs. "I know."


The Hogsmeade visit was something Harry couldn't belive was happening. He'd lay awake at night, counting the seconds that just got him closer to the visit.

And then the day of the visit, he wanted to vomit.

What if you don't like him? What if he does something weird and you run away? What if his fans attack him and you are killed? Wait, that's a little overboard.

He needs to calm down.

He hands his slip to McGonagall, how nods to him and takes the next students paper. He looks around, till he sees you waving from the door. He makes his way over, smiling

"Hey," he says, swinging on his feet.

"Hello," you grin. "Since we've never really met, I'm (F/N).... (L/N)! (F/N) (L/N)." You laugh.

He nods. "Harry. Harry Potter. Let's go?" He says, putting his arm in front of him.

"Lets," you agree, taking his arm and heading off to Hogsmeade.

Harry Potter Characters OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now