Sirius - Special Request

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Sirius stood outside a cold old railroad station. Above him, the steeped roof covers his head from the pouring rain. He holds a book, which was just something hard for him to write a letter on. Harry surely is expecting a letter sometime soon, and Sirius doesn't want to disappoint.

The owl in which Harry used lay on the windowsill, doing its owl-y thing. It was a deep brown, and when Sirius finished his note he gave it to the owl. It have him an annoyed look, as it doesn't want to fly in the rain. Sirius snarls at the bird, gesturing for it to go. The owl pecks at him, flying off.

Sirius gives a little laugh, then hears breathing behide him - despite the heavy rain. It's probably his dog ears that hears it.

He turns around, and there stood a grown girl. Half her body is hid by the building, and she waved shyly. "H-hi."

Sirius gulped. Had this girl just seen his yell at a owl? Merlin, he must look like an idiot.

He nods his head in greeting. "Yes, hello. Do you... need anything?"

She steps out, her purple coat soaking. "Umm, I'm Autumn. This place was my grandpa's... I came to get his stuff. Are you alright? Do you need a ride into town?"

Sirius thinks about his place. This train station doesn't work anymore, and it's about five miles from the nearest town. It probably seems creepy and wary - this girl is brave just to talk to him.

A ride into town won't hurt him, so he agrees. He helps her pack up a few things from the old station, running to put it in her car before the rain gets the seat all wet.

Twenty minutes later, he buckles up. He's never been in a car before, but he followed Autumn's moves.

She started the car, rain pounding the windows. It started up quickly, and she pulled the latch into reverse, moving away from the old building.

Sirius watched, amazed, as the car moved on. As a Wizard, he's never needed a car. Of course, he's seen them since he lived in London. To really get anywhere, though, he just walked. He never sat in one - and the seat was suprisingly conformable.

Autumn pushed a button, and music filled the car. The hum blocked out the rain, and careful voice sing a love song. Slightly blushing, Autumn changes it.

"Sooo, umm, what's your name?"

Sirius looks outside the window, "Sirius."

She makes a silly grunt. "Colorful."

Sirius shrugs, moving his position to face her. "Will you drop me off by a gas station?"

She looks forward for a few seconds. "You seem homeless at the moment. You can spend the night at my place if you want."

He shakes his head. He doesn't want to cause any trouble. How easy it would be if he could just call apon the Knight Bus, but that wouldn't do. He is running from the magical gonverment.

Autumn sighs. "You sure?"

"Yes," he he says, looking back out the window.

The rest of the ride was silent, and the rain didn't let up as he nodded to Autumn and jumped out of the van, making mad dash into the dry gas station.

He turned back to wave at her, but she was already gone, driving to her destination.


He lay on a hard wooden bench, jacket over his chest, hands holding his head. The bench dried from his body over night, but the mildew smell was still there and a slight wetness stuck his shirt and jeans to the park decoration. It was misty, with fog dancing over the abandoned playground like it's historical children.

Strands of his hair were in his mouth, and while pulling them out - he saw the bright car lights in the distance. Paying no mind, he got up, stretched - till he noticed the lights turned off facing him. He watched through heavy clouds as a car door opens, a figure in a purple coat gets out, and shuts the door, walking toward him.

He walks to them, betting his wizardry it's who he thinks it is.

Autumn comes in to view, a pretty smile on her face. In her hands is a large leather coat, and slight green tint to it.

She stops just a few feet ahead of him, and nods her head, stretching out her arms. "This is for you."

He grunts, stepping forward. The coat is a little scratched and worn - but no way in hell is he taking it. Dismissing it, he steps back. "No thank you."

She groans. "Just take it."


"Do, please."

"No, Ma'am."



"...pretty-please with a kiss on top?"

Sirius laughs, before noticing she changed a word. "Kiss?"

"On top," she corrects, smiling brightly. As if an invisible light shines of her teeth.

He licks his lips, rubbing his hands together. "I am... quite cold."

"That's what I thought." She says, reaching up and giving him a kiss on his forehead. Leaving it tingling and shy.

Sirius goes lightly pink, but brushes it off as the cold and takes the coat. Agreeing with her on breakfast - they turn, and walk away.

A/N So sorry this took over the weekend! I've taken a weekend vacation and got back noon today. I went straight to YouTube and didn't get off till about 5. Then I had my first school sport practice ever (and it was horrible I almost threw up two times [shows how unhealthy I am the practice was only an hour and a half long]). But now I'm back! But I must warn you - school time is coming up and I'll have Softball practice about two times a day every Mon., Tue., and Thur. sometimes Fri. these next couple of weeks. Then school starts - which will take up alot of hours. But nevertheless, I try my best to keep writing like I do now. Thanks for reading!

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