Fred - Special Request

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  "Audrey," George says, with a harsh tone of worry. I turn and look at him, breathing harshly, hanging onto the doorway. "It's Fred. Again."

  "Good Lord not again," I whine, shutting my book on my desk, and leaving without even looking at McGonagall. I knew I didn't need to, because for the last week now, Fred has hurt himself in Quidditch while I've been taking an advanced Transformations class.

I wave off to my fellow classmates, and follow George through the corridors to the open field, which we cross to the Quidditch pitch. Once I enter, I can hear the groans coming from Fred, which I'm quite used to by now.

  Picking up my step, I find myself crouching before Fred, who lays in the middle of the field with Oliver and Harry, standing, next to him. "What happened?" I ask.

  "Smart-one here thought it be a good idea to kick a Bludger with his foot," Oliver said, crossing his arms.

  "Fred," I groan, watching him hold his right foot with care. I push back his hair, showing his sweaty forehead. He looks up at me with, sad, big eyes that make me feel like goo. "Get your shit together. Come on, off to Pomfrey."

  I hoist him up by his shoulder, and nod to Oliver as I slowly take him off the field to the castle. Once we were out of range from the sight of Oliver and Harry, along with the rest of the team, I easily drop Fred off of myself, where he completely overreacts and falls into his butt like a child.

  "Come off it Fred," I complain. "You aren't hurt one bit."

  "I still have no idea how you do that," he barks, jumping up and putting his arm around me. "We have two hours before dinner. Let's go somewhere."

  "Fred, I have a class. You have practice. Maybe tomorrow," I say, walking away from his arm.

  "Audrey," he cries.

  "Fred," you repeat.

  "I'm starting to think you don't like me anymore," he says, jogging up to me, stopping me from walking. "Whenever I said, 'hey, let's go hang out' you used to be happy to. Now it's like we never see each other."

"Maybe because I care more about my education, like I should. Look, Fred, I really want to become an Hogwarts teacher when I get older, and I need to study hard," I complain, frowning up at him.

He just stands in front on me for a while, then turns and walks back to the pitch, whispering a "whatever" in my ear as he passes.

I turn around and watch him walk away, head down with his fingers pushed into the small pockets in his trousers. The winds blows his hair into a mess, ruining what work I did to make it look nice. He reminds me of a dog, punished by its owner. Just looking at him makes me feel like horse crap, knowing I made him walk like that.

"Hold up, champ," I sigh, kicking myself. He turns around with the biggest smirk on his face.

"Miss me already?" He says, a snug glint in his eyes.

"Keep talking like that, and you won't be smiling," I say.

His smirk grows smaller. He glances back down at the ground, and the air between us grows silent. But before it grows quieter, I giggle, "Want to sneak over to Hogsmeade for the afternoon?"

He skips over to me, and picks me up by the waist like I weigh less than I really do. I hang near his waist as he makes his way to the trail leading to Hogsmeade.

(A/N) shorter and slightly bad but oh well.

I bet you a oneshot of Remus if someone comments on the - "groans coming from Fred which I'm quite used to by now."

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