Hermione - Special Request

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Morning came in a blur of chatter and lovely waffles. After breakfast, Hailey dashed upstairs to fetch her pass for permission to go the Hogsmeade. She was one of the first, and took off down the road through the chilly autumn air.

A store in the little town had a huge book about the newest and best players of Quidditch, along with multiple player cards that come along. It's amazingly cheap, and at the last visit they told her they were only ordering five packages. She'd have to get it for Harry for Christmas, and be known as the best sister ever.

She's completely forgotten she promised to spend the day with Hermione.


"I feel like an idiot. Why would she want to spend the day with me? Uggh. Maybe she dislikes me and said yes to get me to leave her be for the rest of the day. Probably. Uggh. Ronald!"

"Shut up Hermione! She's probably doing a quick shopping round for Christmas before the shops are full in December. You're acting like the world's gonna end," Ron groaned, rolling his eyes at Harry. The ginger thought of jumping in the lake to get away. If only there wasn't the squid.

Harry smirks as he searches the crowd for his sister. He knew she was getting him something for Christmas, but Hermione didn't need to know that.

They crossed into town, and Hermione threw her head everywhere. She'd stand on the tips of her toes to search for the lost girl, while being pulled in the direction the crowd was going.

"Uggh! Fine!" She splat to her feet and followed everybody to Three Broomsticks. Once they settled, they ordered Butterbeer and waited in an uncomfortable silence.

People came through and out the door, and every time the bell ringed, Hermione would glance over. Every time a person not Hailey walked in, her eyes would grow heavier and her lip would quiver.

Twenty minutes later, her face is planted on the table. Harry and Ron talk about Quidditch, not noticing the reckless girl outside the parlor.

After buying the book, and chatting to a couple friends, her eyes catch sight of a Hogsmeade resident with curly hair. Almost on the spot, she remembered her promise to Hermione and took off, wondering where the girl would be.

After checking literally every store, she comes up to Three Broomsticks. It's started to rain, her hair is a mess, she's got bags hanging under her eyes and from her arms, and her feet scream in agony. Yet she yanks open the door with unexpected power and marches in.

Her eyes scan the crowd til they land on Harry and Hermione, with Ron facing her backwards. She runs over, and ruffles the ginger's hair.

"Hailey! 'Bout time, mate! Might as well wake her up," Ron says, scooting over so she'll have room.

She steals a chair from the table over, and sits. She sighs happily, gaining a few looks from the tables nearby. She snarls at them, popping her spine and raising her hand at a waiter for a butterbeer. "No, I think I'll let her wake."

The butterbeer comes, and she and the boys chat from almost an hour before Hermione snores adorably. The three stare as she lazily opens her eyes, glancing over all of them.

Her eyes shine as she looks at Hailey, and bounces up. She giggles as she rounds the table and attacks her in a hug. "Hailey!"

Hailey smiles, hugging her back, apologizing. Hermione shakes her head quickly, pulling back and smiling bigger. She takes the girl's hand and runs off, leaving the two boys alone.

"Poor Hailey," Ron laughs.

Harry smirks. "She probably doesn't mind."

A/N I did it! Ahh! One more, if I am correct. I'm getting really, really lazy about doing these and I think I'm gonna take a break - write a fanfic. I don't know what ship, or maybe I'll write a lgbt+ story. Idk, but whatever I choose I probably won't update til next year. Of course, I have one more Special Request to do. Thanks for reading!

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