Draco × Reader

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Part 2

You slowly walk up to the end of the Hall, many students pushed up against you. Many kids sit at tables, watching you walk. You catch sight of Draco, slightly grinning and nodding to you.

You smile back, suddenly walking with more confidence. Maybe this won't be that hard.


You gave a slight blush on your cheeks, and your tounge is being bit by your teeth harshly. That copper taste in your mouth is probably blood. Almost all the students stare at you as you walk quickly to the stool.

A grouchy-looking woman places a worn hat apon your head - in which a hat that can talk and think.

It hums in you ear, almost singing a song. Your eyes move all around the room, trying to find something to watch as so many people stare at you.

"Ahh, Draco... yes... I remember him... Slytherin? Are you sure?"

You gasp as his voice sounds in your ear. It echos, giving off a creepy nature. You remember the words from Draco, all about the houses. Courage is great, and so is loyalty. And you'd love to be known as intelligent. But Slylerin seems a great choice. A house of ambition, of self-courage. A house that says you belive in yourself, and wish to go far. But how selfish it is.

No house seems more perfect over the rest. But Slytherin has Draco - which gives it a lead.

"You are all of all. So to wish, what house do you want?" The hat asks.

You gulp, not even rethinking. "Slytherin."

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat yells, and the woman takes your hat off. You see only one table clapping, and seeing the green tint to their robes, you skip off that way.

You see Draco, the happiest smile on his face, clapping the loudest. He was far from the front of the Hall, and a pretty girl points you to sit down beside her - close to where you stand. There are no empty seats along side Draco, so you make you way over to the girl.

Draco frowns a bit, then taps a boy the sits beside him on the shoulder. The boy looks at him, and Draco says something. The boy gets right up and runs to you. You pass by him, waving go the girl who you were to sit by and make your way to Draco.

The students he sits by give a wary smile. A ugly boy and a pug-faced girl seem to be in his friends. You sit down in the other boy's seat, and smiled up to Draco.




Year (for Reader) : 5th
Last Day of Hogwarts Year

You smile brightly as the silly boy almost trips over his feet. "Woo!" Draco grins, wobbly placing his arm around you.

You roll you eyes, his trunk being carried by his friends. "You treat them like camels," you had said. They boy acted hurt, saying they asked to do it. You had rolled your eyes then, too. Ever since the beginning of Hogwarts for you, you've rolled your eyes. All because of Draco.

The five years flashed by fast. You have learned alot, not just in classes but help from Draco. You two were just friends the first year, or to everybody else "friends that stare at each other to much and joke alot and are never serious because they are the Weasley twins of Slytherin who secretly like each other alot". The first few months of Second year your dated the one an only Harry Potter. No, not to make Draco jealous like every Slytherin thinks - because you actually thought the boy was/is funny. Long story short, Draco went into an act you call "jealously overload" and he calls "not wanting Potter to be able to hold your hand and kiss you after dinner every bloody night". After a fight between Draco and Harry, you got together with the full-blood.

Sure, you didn't change Draco from... everything he did wrong - but that's because you wanted Draco to become a good person by himself. And he kinda did that, after the Battle of Hogwarts.

You fought in the battle of Hogwarts, agasint Draco. You two never officially "broke up", but you did stop talking to each other. It had killed you, and vice versa. But after the battle, he came back to Hogwarts for an 8th year, to redo all the mistakes he did last year (and to also make up the last year you two had together).

You two won't be able to see each other alot in the next two years, only in the Summer. If his dad allows him to, which Draco says if not he'll run away. You laughed, and kissed his cheek when he said that. But now that you think about it, Draco has done alot of crazy shit just to spend time with you this past year. It won't suprise you if he is does run away.

With your wand, you carry your luggage. Why his friends don't do the same, you have no idea. You snuggle closely to his side, humming the same tune the Sorting Hat did that first day you came.

Have you over time came to be with Draco? Yes. In the future do you plan to be with Draco? Most certainly. You have fallen in love with the silly boy, and he you.

A/N Thaaaat... was horrible. Plah. Anyways, there is one word that is the reason why I haven't updated. Want to guess? Go ahead... I'll wait.
Done? Okay the word is........ anime! I have found a lost love for Host Club that isn't going away. Sorry about the wait, thanks for reading!

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